When General Murtala ascended the affairs of Nigeria, the first function he did was to declared publicly his assets and he does asked all his subordinates to followed his footstep to declare their asset, then the government business commenced. That was 1976.
Nigeria is no doubt greatly endowed with almost everything a country need to survive, and it will be a repetitive for me now to be listing all those endowment that Nigeria is greatly rich in. It could be boring.
Second Republic politicians were accused of being highly corrupt, they were accused of mismanaging the country which make it necessary for the military to step in and in there own word, to rescue the vessel from sinking. So there gone the Shehu Shagaris, When in 1983 the second republic democracy was stoned down and let to rest, just some months after the second tenure general elections.
Gen. Buhari became the Head of State and government, with so many high discipline subordinates, with the exception of course of Gen. IBB, who thought differently then as the COAS.
Buharis era was flagged with a code, which he took as replica of Gen. Murtala, which means you cannot make a country a self reliant, unless the people have discipline. "WAI" WAR AGAINST INDISCIPLINE,  which comes with some cardinal guidance, I remember both the time, when Nigerian became much patriotic and the love of the country started to gain roots in there hearts, for example, the monthly end of the month national sanitation day, which forced Nigerians to be cleaning there environment, idleness was also a taboo then, is hardly you can have a group of people sitting under a shade doing nothing. It was also the discipline which leads to the massive agricultural program of  "A koma Gona".
No doubt Buharis tried to sustain Nigeria then, free of both social vices which leads to indiscipline, and eventually the indiscipline leads to corruption.
Buhari was cut shut, when IBB come in, on the basis of rescuing a human rights, I still remember his maiden speech.
IBB ruled Nigeria for nearly a decade, and so many changes metamorphose in to Nigeria's life so many which a history will never forget. A lot of dribbling occurs and so many event unfolded.
IBB tried his utmost best to make this country great, and no matter how corrupt his administration may be, as portrayed by many, his economic policies could have been the Messianic mechanism to make Nigeria buoyant, but the indiscipline which took over the government then, marred all the development IBB brought to Nigeria .
I still remember some good IBB program
1. Nigeria agriculture land development authority (NALDA)
2. Mass mobilization for social economic recovery (MAMSER)
3. Directorate of food rural road and infrastructure (DFRRI)
4. national Directorate of employment (NDE)
5. People's Bank program
Just to mention but few, economic adjustment such as SAP and OMO, were all invented to sanitized the Nigeria's economy. But the lack of discipline make make IBB government failed woefully when at the end in 1993, was forced to abdicate and brought in interim government of Ernest Shonekon. What transpired which leads to that, was history and volumes where written on that.
Gen. Abacha took over and meet a delicate country, were money life became dream of almost every person day, and his system of administration leads him to have conflicts with the west, and turn to became first Nigerian head of state that defy colonial masters.
So many drama happened, and we all remember how indiscipline take Abacha to reincarnated the WAI-C program, and some economic bodies such PTF. His political activities too was controvertial when he decided to change uniform to civilian president. Death cut him off, Abdulsami Abubakar became the head and within short time returned Nigeria back to democracy again.
Nigeria's income is 90% from oil revenue, and the oil wealth contributed 100% indiscipline to Nigeria many public officials became nuisance, and cancer to this country, because indiscipline make them to be sycophants to the economy. Our government unseriousness make the country became useless, it citizens became untrusted anywhere they go around the world.
Bribery and corruption tarnish the country's image and make its name sound less among the countries of the world.
So many anti corruption bodies were set up, and still there collecting salaries, but the rate of the venomous act is still at rampant, and many of us in the country have loosen our hope that, with this system of governance, there will be no change in tackling corruption, I am optimistic on that.
From 1999 to date, when we return to democracy for the fourth term, we have been battling with the highly set of indiscipline politicians, who loots the Treasuries and hasten to point accusation to the past military juntas, as if Nigerian don't have eyes or brain to comprehend the past government and the presents opportunist, who hold the country hostage.
Democracy is a good way and will to develop a country, but to Nigeria, I can say democracy has became a curse to so many people, especially to those in the lower class of the society. In 14 years, we witnesses increase in the wealth, and but with little development, and still the leaders are jesting making us to presume that all will be well, while the rich became richer and the poor remain stagnated in the net of poverty, just because someone in the public fund trust, doesn't want to perform his duty.
Corruption is indeed a cancer, and a venom that kills quickly, Nigeria is ill and it need a 911 from good and discipline medical doctors to resustate her.
Corruption make me to loose hope from this set of politicians who know nothing but there welfare and that of their children.
Corruption make me to be afraid of travelling freely around Nigeria, because I fear for my life or property, between two things might suddenly happen to you in Nigeria, armed robbery or civil disturbances.
Corruption make us to have enmity against each other, where a Muslim hate Christian, and vice versa.
Corruption make us to be fools of ourselves, by fighting between the ethnic group and be killing each other just because we want to promote ethnic superiority.
As Nigeria is now heading to another election comes 2015, we need to have a change in attitude, let's join hand to fight corruption and make Nigeria a good place to be, and let us shun all corrupt politicians that buy our mandate and renders us useless, and make us slaves in our free country.

Ahmad M. Salihu

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