I was enjoying my evening in my root neighborhood, discussing about the future and the way out for Nigerian youth, with some of my cousins and friends, some passersby too some time stires at our discussion, because it was a terrific debate and interesting.
Nigerian youth at this moment does not have a good bright future, an argument that is with us for the past two decades when the country slipped and derailed from the foundation direction on which the founding fathers built her.
Living in a slum like my community gave me a great insight and i always  glimps it as what some people calls it BAD CHOICE of life, although the people are not there just because they really love to be there but the nature make them to.
In Nigeria of today, youth have no manifesto as they don't have a place of sympathy in the heart of the leaders, because to today's Nigerian ruler, his children are more important than any other children in the country, if they are opportune to get elected, or topple the government.
Nigeria's constitution does not contain even a single clause to protect the rights of youth, apart from the general provision of citizenship rights. Every year, thousand of youth graduated from the universities and other higher institutions, but the country does not have a policy to absorbs these teaming youth in term of job security or its provision.
My suburb in Bauchi, is one of the Nigeria's semi slums, where you can find thousand of teenagers living idle, spending the whole days without doing anything meaningful, these teaming of teens, are becoming more and more aggressive because the government policy boycott them from having even the smallest of welfare there country might have offer to sustain them.
The pictures I attach here is an example of a stray society, where a full grown adult, can present himself in a culture which is totally alien to norms and ethos of the community and will be hiding behind a celebration to show how idle his mind will be. They said "idle mind is a devil's workshop". So is what this photograph is showing.
I hardly understand why a country of buoyancy cannot get out of oblivion? Ever since I grew up, I cannot understand where these leaders are taking this country, and nobody can explain to that.

Electricity is very important in sustainable development, and Nigeria like other countries must ratify the rotten industry which became so shamble in the past years, and which contribute much of Nigeria's poverty problem.
Without electricity many industries and SMEs will never function at a full capacity and as a result many families became hungry, because of joblessness. There must be a revolution in this sector that is the fact.

National Directorate of Employment, was established to reduce the idleness especially among youth, and it function is to train the uneducated and make them useful in the societies, but today the directorate is just as many Nigeria's economic initiative, which became useless, because of lack discipline among the handlers.


SMALL and medium Enterprise are the back born of sustainable economy in any country, and it helps in providing labour and skill to thousands. Micro finance houses, are responsible in providing soft loan to prospective traders and petty traders, in order to have a economic upgrade in the country. Micro finance must function well to assist the youth, and the interest rate on each Bank loan must be very soft to ease the facilities. India for example use Micro finance to accelerate there rural economic status.

Nigerian youth are productive in nature, and they can perform well if supported, in my successive contributions I will try and elaborate those skills which can be the weapon of arresting these problems, before it get out of hand. Government must be serious about the plight of Nigerian youth, and something urgent must be done to arrest the situation.

Ahmad M. Salihu


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