The scourge of poverty can twist even the most potent of minds, make it dis-functional and confuse, because the disturbed brain of human being cannot clock wisely serve it purpose only the otherwise. So it shall all alone became worthless and hopeless, and the oblongata will get derail from it primary functions to something else.
The prolonged adversity which usually occurs to human endeavours often make it to always feel the guilt of existence and so, it adopt the inferiority nature of even self hatred, then the unconscious nature of being guilt emanate and defeat even the strongest soul.
I was once lived a guilt life, which closely affect my performance as a functional human being, when poverty stricken, then you will be left with many options of survival and then your power house will begin to be drawing so many variables of sketches and skewed maps to follow and you will think the promise land is just few metres away from the delusional dreams. Unattained dreams often drive a person craze, sooner a person will hate himself and all that is around him. Psychology thought us that.
So many people think, to be psychic equilibrium, you have to be derailed from the ethos of life itself, that is why many people choose the violent way and make it, but the few that choose the coldest and peaceful way succeeded more with enjoyable end. It baffles me more, when I see a fellow human struggling to get doom of himself, because he is in a haste to make the fortune of his life, why not emulate the Vulture, whom they said is a 'patience bird'.
So is the story of Nigerian youth struggles, with all the expectations, in a country with few opportunity and the resources is much scarce to sustain the development. Today we see the vulnerable society with unpredictable future. Today the rulers are transforming to emperors where they naturalise the resources to there personal use and there kith and kin.
Corruption leads to failure, that is why many countries in the world are trying to forcefully fighting this epidemic that threatening to wipe out the moral domain of humanity, because our civilization is being challenge by rendering us the worthless society ever in the history of any independent nation.

My experiance in this strata make me to master the art of this deceitful and i am happy to be devoid of this conglomerate of this deception called Democracy, quite indeed, democracy is the best way to fulfill all the aspirations of the governed, because through the ballot, proletariat can select the virtual and calibre of the people hitherto to represents them at every stage of affairs. So many destruction occurs and so many commoners became disdain and lost hope that Nigeria may rise again. The longest tunnel ever build to sufress the entity of a civilised people.

Being youth now a days is just like making an offerage of yourself to be a political apparatus, every political acid test, they will surely volunteer you, and make you a laboratory rat for that, let you to be exposed to all kind of vulnerability and distress, they will make sure you don't even have the guts and gullet to think over what you can be in your future, no future for a political thug. 

I am very greatful to Almighty who made me the way I am, and who guide me through my turbulence and turmoil, I never frown on the will which in found myself in, I always think ahead, and I don't mind being disgrace at a course of my voyage, since I know the Almighty is always watching me and in am just following the ordain destiny stipulated on me. I was poorly brought up by both my parents, and I was lucky to have my basic education when Nigeria was good. I was among the last generation that received the famous UPE, that is why we break the jinx then. My poor background halted me and set me back from chasing my dreams, because whatever dream you might have in life, if there is poverty, hmmm, in a country like mine you are no more, and you are nothing. I am not lucky to be in a university like every other son of rich and moderate family in Nigeria, but I have a high college certificate, which help me to get exposed to many civilizations.

My story is much and I believe in destiny, I struggle hard to keep my pride abreast, and I hope I will never get derail, my yearnings today is to be more educated if i can afford it, and I hope I can.


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