My younger brother once told me about his studies at the island of Cyprus, where he obtained his Bachelor Degree on International Relations, that, a professor may get disturb when a student fail his exams, or even a simple class test.
That makes me to recall what usually our lecturers use to told us in Nigeria, whenever we are in there lecture, a PhD lecturer will boldly and openly tell his students that they got admission in to university, but it may not be necessary for them to graduate. This reveals the extent of cruelty that our lecturers in the Nigerian universities are showing to those future degree holders. One can never understand the rationale behind this, when an in factor of knowledge will unnecessarily discourage his student when he is expected to give them all the courage to make their lives. That has been the problem of Nigeria's schools where many student don't expect to graduate on time, despite the huge resources at the institutions dispersal.
The history of the industrial strike actions in the Nigerian higher institutions cannot be over emphasized, because it has been a worrisome since the independent days. From 1985 to date, no one can actually tell the number of strikes done by the ASUU, because they are uncountable.

Many students in Nigeria cannot understand why the long face off between the University teachers and there employers the FG, why is it that, many misunderstanding will never be resolves amicably until it goes beyond negotiations and fall unto strike. So many unanswered questions regarding the honesty and justification of the several of industrial strike by the ASUU in Nigeria.

Some of us may believe that the academic staffs are just fighting for their welfare, while many people believe they have enough in the pot, on the other hand, the successive government in this country are not much serious about the studies and strongness of our higher institution because as they are being accuse by the people that the many big men of this country don't have their children in Nigerian schools, that is why they will neglect the welfare of the common men children who dwells in those universitiies. The pittifull event in this matters is that, most a time the government who is supposed to have shoulder the responsibility of the posterities of these institutions, often neglect them, so much corruption and fraud activities make the qualities of our institutions rating below average.

We are now in our fifth month in to this strike action, but the government is busy fighting the internal opposition of the rulling party, forgetting the primary responsibility which they claim to have been voted for it sake. It is also pitiful, to see the mismanagement within this government, where billions of doller/Naira, are being syphonated everyday without exchequer, billions are being stolen to foreign accounts and yet the government remain adamant without doing anything to ratify and fight corruption.

The recent stand off will only add salt to the decayed wound, and we hope it won't happen again after this one is settle. Nigerian youths have seen enough of this conspiracy against their future, we are expecting government and the ASUU to be serious and come to table to resolve this issue once and for all.

As the youth, we can have the limit of being patience and everybody know the danger of youth mobilization to revolt against this injustice. Our call is one, and clear, we are hopping to see a serious negotiations and truce, and we are to see the end of such discrimination against the youth.

Civil liberty organizations must join the pressure groups to press the government to take a direction to save Education from total collapse in this country. Our National Assembly must take a stand to save our education so also other Nigerians whom our children dwells in those universities, we must take a necessary stand to bring this face off to an end even if it will take us back to streets and occupy Nigeria once more, we must do something to save Education of our children in Nigeria.

Ahmad M.Salihu



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