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Daga taskar Mal. Maude Nuhu  Farfesa Ali Isa Fantami GAMJI Wanga ɗanɗa namu Isa,   Masu saran diddigen sa,      Za ku sara ne ku bar sa,          Don ko Isa khaliƙin sa, Shi ya zaɓai ba mutum ba ne ba. In ka so Isa ka so sa, Ko kasa ɗamba ka ƙi sa,         Ɗanmu Isa ya yi nesa,      Ya zame tamkar ya ƙusa, ba a san hanyar cire shi ko ba. Ƴan'uwa na ku matasa, Ku yi rubutu don yabon sa,         Don fito da irin halinsa,        Duniya duk har ta san sa,       Bai san aikin ta'adda ko ba. Babu mai cin diddigen sa,         Sai Ɓarayi masu ƙin sa,       Ƴan ta'adda da ke warisa,        Koko don kyawon halinsa,   Harda yahoo boy da bai sake ba. Ko ka Mai lakabin Farfesa,     Ko ka ce No! ban kiransa,            Ba ka kwace illiminsa,   ...


By Ibraheem A. Waziri 14-12-2021,  Whatever is the source of the current insecurity is; it remains the responsibility of the government to be able to negotiate us through it with minimal casualties! We have submitted in the past, so many ideas that we feel the government could make good use of. Ranging from horizontal restructuring and reorganisation of power and command flow in the country; to massive reform in the security hierarchy and mode of operation. Abnormal situations often require an extreme response to tackle and control. We changed the whole constitution in 1966-7 to save Nigeria from disintegrating! However, over the years, academics in the ivory towers up North and clerics all seem to argue that the problem has always been part of a great scheme of the world powers, to control the vast resources hereunder the feet of the African Sahel. And it is why the problem refused to go! They often suggest that the government might not be entirely blamed, because ...


a report by the United Nations World Food Program has suggested that about 44 countries across the World are in dire need of food, the shortest Supply of food has plunged these countries into hunger, preceded by excessive poverty caused by the recession.  Countries in crisis requiring external assistance for food  are expected to lack the resources to deal with reported critical problems of food insecurity.  I extracted some reasons why Nigeria was included in the list despite its riches and being the Number one economy in Africa.  According to the latest CH analysis, about 12.9 million people are estimated to require humanitarian food assistance between October and December 2021 because of the worsening conflict that is driving new population displacements, particularly in Northern states, high food prices and reduced household purchasing power. Over 3 million people are estimated to be internally displaced in Northern states due to civil insecurity and ...


Tahir Ibrahim Tahir  (Talban Bauchi)  It is no longer news that on the 7th of December, 2021; 42 innocent travellers were gruesomely burnt in a bus, as they moved through Gidan Bawa village of Sabon Birni local government of Sokoto state. 35 died instantly and 7 survived with very severe burns and were being treated in the hospital. May Allah shower their souls with his mercy. This is one of the most horrendous and inhumane acts of the bandits that have since visited Northwestern Nigeria with an orgy of violence. I believe this barbaric act, accounts more for Sheikh Gumi excusing himself from speaking on behalf of the bandits, than the reason he gave -- citing their proclamation by law as terrorists. This heartless, baseless and demonic act of burning a fellow human being alive has laid bare, the true nature of what Nigeria is fighting for so many years. Fighter jets bombarded many enclaves of the bandits, east of Dumburoum forest in Zurmi, Zamfara, and also in Sok...


By Tahir Ibrahim Tahir Talban Bauchi.  We went on a trip a while back, to Jama'are local government in Bauchi state, for the turbaning ceremony of my cousin as the Ubandoman Jama'are. Jama'are is a 2 hr journey from the Bauchi metropolis. On our way there, we ran into one of the potholes and we got a twisted tyre. After our event, we proceeded to Azare, another local government in Bauchi which is a 30 minutes drive from Jama'are, with the hope that we would get a tyre to replace our damaged one. We were directed from one shop to the other, and each time we arrived at any of the shops, we met them all locked up. We got the puzzling explanation that one of the shop owners lost his father and that he and all his brothers had gone for the burial. Now what they meant was that all the shops were owned by Igbos and they were the only ones that sold the size of tyres that we were looking for. We had to manage the twisted tyre back to Bauchi because Chinedu's unc...

THE RECENT PLATEAU KILLINGS, Northern Muslims Youths and the Lessons from MSII @60 Colloquim

By  Ibraheem A. Waziri  In Nigeria the media generally and  some Muslim  pundits, are highly cautious, in identifying strongly with Muslims groupings, in the event of  the Muslims being victims of violence by the others. This could - probably - be due to the fear that in showing support for Muslims in such circumstances, many, might feel emboldened to charge to the streets and display their anger in a form of a revenge that will worsen the situation. This - if so - goes a long way, in demonstrating  that either of the following two things, could be true of the Northern Nigerian Muslims at all times: 1. They are misfits in the modern social system dynamics that the current Nigeria presents and everybody knows that. Infact the best of their pundits know better! This is why their issues are fit for  touch only with the long sticks and on the surfaces. They always bring misfortune to their neighbours on their own without prompting. So when ther...


BAUCHI STATE Since February 1976, there was only one person from the Northern Zone that became the elected executive governor of Bauchi State. That was Late Alhaji Abubakar Tatari Ali. He was duly elected in 1979 as the first civilian Governor of the State and the administration was cut short in 1983 following a military coup that brought the Federal Military Government of Major General Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR. The needed term in Bauchi State politics is  “synergy”, which suggests or can be referred to as a happy outcome of cooperation, with different groups pitching in to make progress in ways that they could not achieve separately. But in the 1983 political days, we are increasingly seeing a dark side of “synergy” in our State as well, in political pitching to sidelines certain camps that were underrated or undermine In the politico-governance of Bauchi State.  The political history of Bauchi could not be more than the stories of bereavement, the dichotomy of Bauc...


People like me are thinking about such things as an educational progression in our State, looking at the State of decadence the sector found itself. Education is a capital intensive investment that needs a holistic approach to attain its height, a political will is equally needed to make a reality on this, to achieve that, the government as an investor need to put more effort to make it a reality and affordable to all, which is the Herculean challenge the sector is facing in our State, if not the whole country. Bauchi State is not exceptional in these problems, it is bedevilling the State for time immemorial and it is susceptible which need a rescue. To smooth the sponsorship and funding of the sector, FGN was able to create a trust fund to cover all the unforeseen expenses education might need which is not directly captured in the National budgets, hence the creation of the Tertiary Education Trust fund. Tertiary Education Trust Fund, abbreviated as TETFUND, is a scheme es...


Since after declaring his intention to run for the gubernatorial race of Bauchi State, more versions of speculations started emanating, some are blemish, antagonising and calumny. Meanwhile, some come clean to imprint a good Image of the retired General of the Nigeria Airforce. The political spectrum of Bauchi State has been built on certain pillars that guide the moves, the outcome as well as the roads to fruition, which is why it is very much unpredictable to determine the outcome of every spear in the Bauchi State politics being it a more complex than understood by the outsiders.  Myriad of his oppugnant believe that SBA does not qualify to have the APC ticket for 2023 race, they may have their reasons for saying that, many which are baseless accusations built on hearsay and speculations, inferences and assumptions that being him a retired General what did he have to offer that will beat the imagination of the people to trust him with their mandate? SBA has been the ...


On the Bauchi State House of Assembly's decries of  62 Colleges Of Education, and lamentation that 45 out of them are Unauthorised. Wikki Times, an Online News medium reported and it is unfortunate and depressing to have such in our State. I read the report and the observations of the Bauchi State House of Assembly, I've been saying this for years and unless a drastic change is made, nothing good will come forth of the said issue. For immemorable times we've been lamenting this too, meanwhile, the body that is saddled with the regulations to all these is too weak to have made any difference to regulate such an educational catastrophe. On a serious note, the threat on which this time bomb is plastering to our honour as State is worrisome.  Most of these sandwich colleges are substandard, they are only producing mostly half-baked graduates to fill into an already ramshackle system that for a very long time need an overhaul and strict rules of operation from the Mi...


Being different makes you more fascinating. Showing it makes you stand out, draws more attention to you, and makes people want to get to know you more. You'll leave an everlasting impression on others just by simply being yourself. A lot of people have plummeted into the traps of benevolence and in the end, they become victims of domestic hatred and societal despise. In our case, today, people are being compelled to be subconscious of their psych to fit in with the moving crowd, regardless of whether they are on the right path or not, but to live in peace, we have to get along with the rest of us to save being termed.  Can we be distinct from others and live our lives without being harassed? Where is freedom? Where is humanity? I'm being heartbroken and I can't think like the rest of us. Humans are the architect of their quandary. Always Look for the Good in People, just like there are two sides to every story, we all have our good and bad sides too. Focus on Pe...


A griot will always choose a word to spit, an infallible thought that will give awe to anyone that reflects on, even if it passes for years.  The theatrics happening in our today's polity is incongruous of all, a bizarre that might consume the ends of us. Honestly speaking, I see no prestige of preference in all these, going by the stagecraft and melodrama that's always being display to people who have been at the toiling end and the nest to breed their way up. Politicians believe they can play the intellect of the people, giving them false hope in a shadowy narrative that may not see the light of the day. People's naivety always accepts as if it's a fate to be in such a corridor, a deceptive statement and luring lips to make ridicule of the electorates to fave them a way to get the helm of the State. For time immemorial, people are being christened to believe it is the only way, by applying the method of deception to get a victory over the opposition, many ...


By  MUHAMMAD QADDAM SIDQ ISAH  Since the repatriation of Nnamdi Kanu, there have been conflicting accounts and speculations on how and from which country he was repatriated. However, the sketchy and largely ambiguous official account suggests his repatriation was through a covert operation.    A similar supposedly clandestine operation in 1984 to kidnap and repatriate Umaru Dikko from London failed due to the gross and inexcusable naivety of the Nigerian authorities then. Dikko was accused of unprecedented misappropriation of public funds when he was Minister of Transport under the preceding overthrown civilian administration. He had, however, fled to London to avoid arrest.    The then Nigerian military government engaged the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, for six million dollars to kidnap and repatriate him. The Nigerian authorities were apparently impressed by Mossad’s exceptional competence in transnational kidnapping and repatriation ...


Individualistic sanctity has been the irredeemable asset in many of us, Nigerians are known of the character of being selfish especially if appointed into a public position. In a country ridden by corruption, it's hardly a day that goes by without a headline of one corruption Story, scandals, and squandermania of Public officeholders. It's cancer that has been bedeviling NIGERIA for decades.  Altruism is the unselfish concern for other people—doing things simply out of a desire to help, not because you feel obligated to out of duty, loyalty, or religious reasons. It involves acting out of concern for the well-being of other people. Altruism can also be referred to as behavior that benefits another individual at a cost to oneself. For example, giving your lunch away is altruistic because it helps someone hungry, but at a cost of being hungry yourself. The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the onl...


The inconveniences cast in the opposition's camp has been unbearable to them, they are trying all possibilities to cast aspersion on the candidacy of Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar, seeing the general acceptability of Air Marshal in the hearts of the Bauchi citizens, people throwing their utmost support behind him to vie for gubernatorial seat comes 2023. It is even a cunctation from his side to have made up his mind, to accept the offer, that complies with his Mum's endorsement to offer himself and join politics. Many believe that Sadique will be belvedere of new BAUCHI STATE, a State that suffers much in the hands of Political jobbers and scavengers, the reason why people will rally behind him, hence his background as a military man. Sadique's Military background does not prevent him from fitting into politics, despite the life he lived as a military man, believe me, he has since been assimilated into the class and as a quick learner, he'd already turne...


Late Prof. Aliyu Babatunde Fafunwa described Teaching as, "Teaching is the process of giving someone systematic instruction on the appropriate knowledge, values, habits, attitudes and behavioral patterns that he or she needs to function as a useful and acceptable member of the community. Teaching is a cultural universal or one of those things all humans share in common. Through teaching, human beings can transfer a posteriori knowledge, as opposed to a priori knowledge, onto their offspring, thus, helping them to adapt better to their environment and to enjoy life to the fullest. Teaching is a big part of everyone's life experience. From birth to death, we spend most of our time either receiving instructions from others or giving instructions to others". We are now in a position to weigh the status of  teaching , despite a lack of simple rules for guidance. Our postulates preclude the designation of  teaching  as a  profession  by intrinsic right, si...