A griot will always choose a word to spit, an infallible thought that will give awe to anyone that reflects on, even if it passes for years. 

The theatrics happening in our today's polity is incongruous of all, a bizarre that might consume the ends of us. Honestly speaking, I see no prestige of preference in all these, going by the stagecraft and melodrama that's always being display to people who have been at the toiling end and the nest to breed their way up. Politicians believe they can play the intellect of the people, giving them false hope in a shadowy narrative that may not see the light of the day. People's naivety always accepts as if it's a fate to be in such a corridor, a deceptive statement and luring lips to make ridicule of the electorates to fave them a way to get the helm of the State. For time immemorial, people are being christened to believe it is the only way, by applying the method of deception to get a victory over the opposition, many had this in mind that, politics is always an art of deception, lies, and immorality. Corruption runs through every level of the Nigerian government. From massive contract fraud at the top, through petty bribery, money laundering. Perhaps that had been the inspirational factors that make many join Political class today, a self-centered motive and Corrupt expectations, many have been buried to an extent into an indecent life, a survival race, and superiority complex. Not only does corruption affect economic development in terms of economic efficiency and growth, but it also affects the equitable distribution of resources across the population, the extent to which Political leaders chart a great percentage of the Nation's wealth, is increasing income inequalities, rendering more citizens to be poor,  undermining the effectiveness of social welfare programs. Corruption does not only occur in government buildings. You can see corruption in your daily life. It impacts the implementation of the rule of law and democratic values. It takes funding away from important infrastructure investments such as roads, schools, and hospitals, and deters international investors.
These and many more reasons are what make me develop a utopia on the candidacy of Retired Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar. A widely known no-nonsense Soldier throughout his career life, and AirForce officer with Gallantry outstanding records. There is a cord of balance between SBA's candidature and the liberation of Bauchi State, the awkward handling of every sector has made governance a ridiculous Statecraft that gives room to sufferage of all Sundry in the State. Our beliefs are like every believer of truth and yearning for a better tomorrow, where we aspire to see heaven on Earth in Bauchi State. 

The antecedent of SBA has been an outstanding one, his impeccable records are unbeaten in the history of NAF. He's done more than any of his predecessors, revolutionizing the NAF and making it a global AirForce and the best in the West African subregion. 
Today, we offer him to the people of Bauchi State for the 2023 gubernatorial election, we pray his capabilities can take him to the Government House, with the mandate and support of the electorates.
SBA will ensure the utmost sincerity in Governance, transparency in leadership, and hard work to make Bauchi State great. SBA will be a disciplinarian to ensure Social Justice. Using his international connection creates more viability for the development of the State. Our beliefs are also one for all the questions to ask, however, we support SBA to fulfill patriotism. 

1. Civil Service,
2. Economic Development,
3. Revenue Generation,
4. Education,
5. Health,
6. Security,
7. Rural Development,
8. Traditional Institution,
9. Youths, Women, and Disabled people.
To mention but few, are the proposed agendas of the SBA government is mandated to take the helm in 2023.


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