Being different makes you more fascinating.
Showing it makes you stand out, draws more attention to you, and makes people want to get to know you more. You'll leave an everlasting impression on others just by simply being yourself.
A lot of people have plummeted into the traps of benevolence and in the end, they become victims of domestic hatred and societal despise. In our case, today, people are being compelled to be subconscious of their psych to fit in with the moving crowd, regardless of whether they are on the right path or not, but to live in peace, we have to get along with the rest of us to save being termed.
Can we be distinct from others and live our lives without being harassed? Where is freedom? Where is humanity? I'm being heartbroken and I can't think like the rest of us. Humans are the architect of their quandary.
Always Look for the Good in People, just like there are two sides to every story, we all have our good and bad sides too.
Focus on People's Potentials no matter how low someone may have stooped, they are still people with ability.
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