The inconveniences cast in the opposition's camp has been unbearable to them, they are trying all possibilities to cast aspersion on the candidacy of Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar, seeing the general acceptability of Air Marshal in the hearts of the Bauchi citizens, people throwing their utmost support behind him to vie for gubernatorial seat comes 2023.
It is even a cunctation from his side to have made up his mind, to accept the offer, that complies with his Mum's endorsement to offer himself and join politics. Many believe that Sadique will be belvedere of new BAUCHI STATE, a State that suffers much in the hands of Political jobbers and scavengers, the reason why people will rally behind him, hence his background as a military man.
Sadique's Military background does not prevent him from fitting into politics, despite the life he lived as a military man, believe me, he has since been assimilated into the class and as a quick learner, he'd already turned into a full-time.  

To reply to critics about his being fit to be a civilian governor because the frightened opposition is claiming that he enjoys issuing orders that will be carried out undisputed, he will not be compatible to being a civilian governor, since it wasn't very long he left the "obey before complaint" life. He is not used to the world of deceit, cacophony, and Political gest. He hasn't been conscripted into the World of underdogs Political deceivers that cries openly before the people and laugh behind the curtain, perhaps these and many more reasons are what his antagonist meant for his not being fitted into the messy Political arena. 
With this nonsense assertion, I will like to remind them that Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar has a Diploma in Public Administration and a Bachelor of Science degree in political science. He also holds a Master of Science Degree in Strategic Studies, not mentioned numerous citizenship and leadership courses he attended while being in the military to prepare him for a task of life ahead, soldiers are the most versatile beings, they had to go through a series of learning every day in their career, that makes them more intelligent than many of us, being the highest AirForce officer is not a joke, and Sadique has made it to the top. His educational qualification has already warranted him to fits in any position, being it military or otherwise, that's why he succeeded in stewardship as AirForce Chief. To say  Political scientist does not fit into this politics is an understatement and ridiculous. In less than three months after leaving office, he probed to the people he can do it. Within a period, people have understood his capacity and boldness to confront all odds and lead Bauchi State in 2023.

 The hullabaloo behind the campaign of calumny against the competence of the Air Marshal can be seen boldly. The ones who see failure and feel being rejected by the real owners of the State have nothing to prove themselves but to resorted to ridiculous balderdash to tarnish the image of Sadique Abubakar. For years they are deceiving the electorates, feeding them lies and fake promises to give them "Manna" from their heaven, they enjoy enslaving the youths, corrupting the elderly, and deceiving the electorates with shackles of poverty, they can distract people from understanding reality that will forever be to their advantage to keep visiting adversaries to people.
A kind-hearted woman, who was appointed Minister for humanitarian. Before that, she was a DG having performed well, PMB brought her into the Executive council. The opposition claims that she is lavishly sponsoring Air Marshal Sadique Political movement. As a good wife, I believe she should be at forefront of the campaign, the Minister will not abandon her husband for another person's claims that are using the State resources to sponsor her husband. If truly she does sponsor his campaign in the ruling party to secure the primaries ticket, then we need a piece of hard presentable evidence on her, failure to do that, we dismiss that to be a mere joke. 
The Battle for the liberation of Bauchi State has begun and with this gentleman's fairing, we believe Bauchi State will be in the very best safe hand.
His Military discipline is all the State wants, we believe he is going to replicate his exceptionality to build the State and its economy. All that Bauchi State needs is the best man for this daunting task, which of course SBA will be the best for the job.  Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment and to achieve those goals there is a need to have an altruistic personality. In Air Marshal, we found one man that holds this discipline, his antecedent as a career Military officer accosted him this rank, and as a converted civilian/Politician, he hopes to see an application of such discipline to save Bauchi State.

He has held the following appointments: Commander Nigerian Air Force Station Maiduguri, Commanding Officer 207 Wing, Acting Commanding Officer, National Emergency Management Agency Air Wing, Commander 97 Special Operations Group (now 115 Special Operations Group) Port Harcourt, Air Component Commander OPERATION RESTORE HOPE and Air Officer Commanding Training Command (now Air Training Command), Kaduna.
Air Marshal Abubakar has flown the following aircraft; Bulldog, Piper Warrior, Enstrom, Bell 206, BO-105, Mi-17, and Mi-35P helicopters. The CAS, as training Captain, has accumulated over 2,500 operational and instructional flying hours.

Some of his major awards and decorations include; Best Cadet in Flying at Primary Flying Training Wing in 1981, Best All Round Cadet at Primary Flying Training Wing in 1981, Tactical Air Command Best Officer of the Year in 1997, Chief of the Air Staff’s Letter of Commendation for good leadership and prudent management of resources by Air Marshal OO Petinrin in 2009, Chief of the Air Staff’s Letter of Commendation for good leadership and prudent management of resources by Air Marshal MD Umar in 2011, Chief of the Air Staff’s Special Award from Air Marshal AS Badeh in 2013, Distinguished Flying Star (DFS), General Service Star (GSS), Passed Staff Course Dagger psc(+), Distinguished Fellow of the National Defence College fdc(+) and Distinguished Alumni of National Defence College.
In conclusion, I will urge the good people of Bauchi State to rally behind this Honourable man, let support Sadique for a better tomorrow of our dear State, let us give him our mandate to serve, and let see if he can change the tide of traditional politics to more honest and open governance that will benefit all. Bauchi State has suffered enough, and we the people of Bauchi State are saying enough for Political jobbers, this is a time for reality and good Governance, this is the beginning of liberation and freedom for all of us. Let take our State back.


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