From Middle English vanite, from Old French vanité, from Latin vanitas, from Latin vanus, whence English vain.

- That which is vain, futile, or worthless; that which is of no value, use or profit.
- Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own abilities, appearance or achievements.
- A dressing table used to apply makeup, preen, and coif hair. The table is normally quite low and similar to a desk, with drawers and one or more mirrors atop. Either a chair or bench is used to sit upon.
- Emptiness.
- (obsolete) Any idea, theory or statement that is without foundation.
- conceit
- egotism
- narcissism
- pride

Beginning with the dictionary meanings of this word,  "vanity" I can take the futile meaning which is straight connected to many people. Stories differs so also experience and it either end in vanity or fruitfulness, either way we called that a destiny which was written from time immemorial by Almighty himself.  It is a hand work of Almighty to dongle us any time He feel like. We all thank Him for the fruit of life.

Misery is a cunning experience which can degrade a man, poverty relegate a man to a miserable position in which sometimes people become rear mad. Only being contended can save a man from becoming a derail from the path of salvation. May Allah see us through all hardship and guide us.

Experience as the best teacher give us almost every thing and no one will dwell without it. Poverty is bound to be man's longest associate,  he was destined to be the best companion of man from the time immemorial,  he does follow man everywhere he goes,  in fact,  sleep with him and dwell with him.  Man is the poverty's best friend.


Right from my social studies days,  I was thought by my teacher that,  Africa is one of the blessed continent on the planet earth,  all the resources that the world need to be developed is in abundance in Africa,  while the human resource is there too,  pre-scramble days was portrays with underdevelopment in fact,  Africa was a barbarian continent (some part of the Continent were animist,  pre-colonial  era) sorry to say,  but the fact is,  Africa was all alone a dark continent despite the Islamic civilization in some part of the continent.

Africans connection with the Arabs gave the Africans an opportunity to became civilised,  even history shown that civilization started from Africa.  Characteristically the best that come out of this part of the world after all the struggles of colonization and independence is the same backwardness that hampers the development of this vast enrich continent. Africa have a triple heritage as rightly outlined by the Late renounced Professor Ali Mazrui, in that series documentary the professor  outlined all the rudiments of Africa,  it's foundation philosophy and the short comings that make the stagnation static,  while concluded that unless Africans are to wake up from their long sleep,  there can never be a meaningful development that will be presented from Africa and Africans. Late Ali Mazrui have done his best to enlightened Africans about the needful that need to be done for sustainable development. That one remain a mirage,  because corruption that became a cancer in the African skin is still itching and the encroaching is going too past like EBOLA VIRUS.


2010 was that years that brought a measure change in the African  Arabs world,  the Arab spring of Tunisia, Egypt as well as Syria and Libya,  have distorted the longest corridor on which humanity suddenly turn out villainous,  Libya an African rich oil country today became a disaster for just a single second mistake and self-assertions,  the rest is now history,  Somalia is still bedeviling,  Some part of Nigeria the giant and largest African economy is now I  turmoil for almost seven years,  the story stage of this sorry picture as corruption incarnate is not a shame to African leaders,  take a look at South Sudan,  small with oil riches,  but the greediness in leadership turn them to destructible motive instead of wealthy being. They often gone in to battles a mirage  struggle of power and control over the goodwill in which only Almighty God can decide who will remain to enjoy the riches.  However,  the still corruption story make that new country to plunge in to chaos,  perhaps we could say,  they may be patient to enjoy their independence but they couldn't due to greed.

Could this be curse? Can we say we are all alone under the manifestation of vanity upon vanity that often degrade our development? The condition of leadership,  corruption and it related practices became a mockery to African development,  while the absent of leadership is a scourge of it own.  We are in the rat race due to vanity,  we are in a position of no return,  if right-thinking leadership did not come up.

The end to migration to Europe in search of greener posture could be over,  if the leaders can be serious,  and if the people can be serious too,  but before that,  vanity and destiny can be one big chance to either make us free or plunge us in to chaos.

God bless Africa


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