Perhaps it was a bad timing for Gov.  Muhammad A. Abubakar esq,  of Bauchi State to revealed his last visit to Czech Republic,  he may think it was a quite dutiful to say all the stuff in that interview with the Daily Trust,  while him not knowing that,  there he will fight the many directional battles,  from both the internal opposition and the main opposition party.

A blarney accusations from both angles can make even an assured composed personality like a lawyer to shrink,  but nonetheless we are watching the scene,  since the episode has just started and  we have like about four good years to be spectators.

I will just like to analyze the His Excellency's visit. I was told he would be travelling to the U. S.  to honour an invitation by Gates foundation,  to fine tune the way out for upgrading the level of poverty in my state,  may be because Bauchi State is from the Northeast Nigeria,  that's  why we were chosen to be there.  Or maybe because we are among the poorest Nigerian States that was the reason of our invitation. So I heard.  But I was confused when the supposed U. S. visit turned to Czech Republic,  when I saw the posting from the "scheduler"  Facebook page,  posted some pictures of my governor with the "white"  people round the table,  talking about only God knows.

To start with the benefit of that visit,  yes!  In exclamation I heard the mouthpiece of the governor saying that,  the visit was all about YANKARI GAME RESERVE,  oh!  It's a wild life sanctuary in Bauchi State,  where the place looks like Kenya or Botswana,  of course Yankari Game Reserve is a good wild life resort to be concentrated about,  since the Business of Tourism is a flamboyant business,  many African countries have been getting their revenues from the gaming tourism and many more of Tourism business.  Yes!  It was all alone about Yankari and how the game Reserve will be preserve from may be a getting lost to the poachers.

Being very objective should be remembered as a matter of the Oath of office as concern,  and one must be honest because he is a governor to almost more than four million people who are all looking upward to his welfare. The man said he was at Czech Republic to follow up a MOU  signed by the previous government,  with a city called ZLIN,  and that they have a very big zoo,  which we could took advantage of that,  most we take the advantage? Which one is bigger,  a game Reserve or a Zoo,  perhaps you can tell me that,  there are "super Zoos"  that looks bigger than game reserves. Well! It doesn't matter,  the MOU as the man said was in respect to 1. Game protection and 2. Preservation of the animals in the Yankari Game Reserve. So the city of Zlin have kept aside a huge money for this purpose,  but the governor forgot to have enlightened us,  if the money was an international loan or a grant in aid. And must we collect the money if it turns out to be a loan,  just to promote a game Reserve while we have many priorities than just a game Reserve?

My governor didn't disclose the actual amount to be collected from the City of Zlin zoo,  of Czech Republic,  and the type of work the money is going to be spend on.  Well! No "wahala"  as long as the corrupt practices will never emanate to will be a welcome idea to have such an aid especially from the awaited "MOU"  that could be expendable if we did not collect it.  Being optimistic landed us In to trouble,  the wailers and the noise making opposition community in Bauchi quickly cajoled the governor's story of Yankari and jump to conclude that,  His Excellency has bought a "white monkey" for Yankari Game Reserve,  at sum of N2 billion,  a cooked story without a source.

It quite irritating to see that people are masquerading behind freedom of speech and unleash a false story,  could that be truth,  what are going to do with a white monkey,  upon all the thousands families of monkeys we have in the Yankari Game Reserve?  Forget about all the rubbish they may be saying,  but the timing  to present such statement to the masses was a bad one,  governor Abubakar should and must remember that,  he inherited a helm from an extravagant predecessor,  therefore he should assume that,  many people in Bauchi did not know about capital project to be presented by the government,  all they know was that,  the last governor was just like a "father Christmas",  who just embezzled the state funds and claimed  to have enriched the majority poor people of the state. Governor Abubakar must put this in mind that,  the delicate psychology in the mentality of let eat our cakes and still have it,  is his war now, and the war is taught to be face without a good warfare.

The strange thing in this journey is that,  the governor has totally underestimated the said mandate,  he underestimated his reasons for battling many giants to won the primaries in his party so also the general election to have a mandate. But we shall Accord him with a benefit of doubt to see his mandate office,  he still have to recuperate the bearing of his ability to eat the most politically delicate state in Nigeria.

Ahmad M. Salihu


  1. This is the real assessment of our current situation in Bauchi State. Governor M A Abubakar have to do more to lead an honest and Transparent Government.


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