No doubt a teacher is the foundation of knowledge apart from the parents, school is a place where people undergo a formal training and make a good life. Teachers are the light in a child life, teacher is a light in ones path without which this particular person shall be astray in the wilderness of illiteracy.
Teachers are the impactors of knowledge and also they induce and inculcate discipline to make a person a better for himself and the community.
So many Nigerian teachers did not believe the teaching to be the profession which one will be proud of, because so many people thought that teaching in Nigeria is a quasi profession, where by it has became the last resort, last option after being struggle to grab other more lucrative job.
Teachers in Nigeria are being mock with the famous slogan of, 'your reward is in heaven', meaning they will never have any welfare package here on earth, because of the whooping neglect from the part of the government itself,which totally make the foolish out of our teachers.
The worsening situation of Nigerian teachers, is incomparable any where in the world, because of the lost package of this welfare which the Nigerian teachers never enjoys.
Nigeria's teachers are just like peasant farmers, as once described by former Education Minister, Prof. Aliyu Babatunde Fafunwa, (late). "A teacher is like a peasant farmer, who use any available tool to tilt his farm, not because he enjoys the opium of the failure, rather because it is the only viable option for his survival as a subsistence farmer".
Nigerian teacher is like this peasant farmer who goes to class with all available tool to teach his student without consent, not because he enjoys the opium of the failure, rather, because it is the only viable option for him to contribute his quota to the society.
Many professionals are neglecting the profession in Nigeria, because of the diminishing welfare in the job, some of the best brains live the profession for even a vocational skills, since the welfare package cannot sustain them.
Since the invention of the Universal Primary Education UPE, in the 1970s, which brought a tremendous change in the basic education sector, I remember us enjoying the UPE during our elementary days.
Today we see the much delicate sector, which cannot sustain it occupants, and which receives little attentions from the authorities,  shanty buildings as class rooms, dilapidated structures as schools, and a very poor salary package to teachers, contribute to the  neglecting of this noble profession.
Today we see the much corrupt UBE which have all the monies to make education looking good in Nigeria, but the famous Nigerian slogan, 'corruption' has made it impossible form the sector to stand by itself.
Our universities are also the same in the brink of failures, research facilities are commonly not available, lecturers are peasantly taking all available options to take the over crowded theatres for the student to get knowledgeable.
So many issue to get  address and so many problems need check and balances, because the teacher today in Nigeria is nothing but an empty vessel which only contains the echo of what is not value to the authority and he enjoys the failure,because it is the last option.
We can only be among the developed countries if only we have a sound education, education relieves a bondage and make a country to successfully arrive at vintage point.
First of all we must fight against corruption, and became me more patriot and salvage thus country to be a better place to. All these insecurity we are experiencing is a contributory negligence of those who think they are wiser than millions of Nigerians whom they took as virtual illiterates.
The political system which is going toward bad atmosphere, is likely to be describes as corruptocracy than democracy. But the better we act quickly the best we rescue the country from colliding to the falling which will not be a good and welcoming thing. Nigeria is ours and teachers are good contributors of morality and literacy, we must support there course and make the profession look attractive and government must exercise her commitment to make the profession look attractive and retain the good brains.


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