For years, people believe in ideology and certainly thought that they are being guided by the great mind and choose a path to understand this ideology.
Religion and its chronicles often use to guide the humanity on the utmost obligation that every living being is suppose to abide by and be guided by it. Sometimes, the opium of this religion make a man to be misguided and became renegade just to be selfish of himself and his perceive sentiment, also some satanic doctrines indoctrinate and pollute human mind and twist it with a misplace teachings and thereby became mislead and go astray from the actual path of the religion.
Man as a social animal choose his path sometime in style, because hindrance often weaken and made vulnerable even the most smart and courageous of human. Life as a process teaches teach us a lot of perambulation and we entirely meditate to keep our head high as we expect a complement in life.
Religion as a guidance make us to draw back our intent to supreme being and have the most calmness from the understanding that, upon all the minds we have, there is one mighty mind that control all the minds which is supreme being. The dogma which many religion believes but in different ways, some times if not properly choose and thoroughly studied, will contradict itself and it promoters, thereby making a man to be the most stupendous of creation, by killing his fellow human in trying to install his practices and dogmas to people.
I found Islam as a perfect religion, often been guided by the strongest of fate and faith. AlQur'an alkareem as a Book is found to be a perfect revelation, in which you have all the philosophy, sociology, science and ethics at which extent the Book reveals itself. Only the Islamic religion elaborate the faith and guide the entire life of its followers and make them to feel humble and modest, in fact, we can believe the Islamic religion to be the root of modesty and purity. It is the only religion that make it compulsory to its followers to half bath 5 time a day, that is the ablution  before the five daily prayers, what a religion?
The world is so acentric that people choose to be helding high their esteem. Always need a complimentary from fellow humans and their love and lust for power often drag them to be drunkard. Man as a social animal became cumbersome to his alter ego, though always selfish and self centred man is a cheater to himself.
Struggle of survival made man to some time be a rogue and often act beyond imagination, fighting for supremarcy create a huge competition between people and led to destruction and war.
Philosophy and ideology make man to create a havoc in the environment. We must understand the set up and how we survive the several of turbulence of life and may be if we understand that, then we understand our purpose of being here.
What are the phenomenon that brings conflict to human race? What are those things that promote segregation despite the uniqueness in creation, though with disparity in colour, but the struggle in supremacy cheated human being for Years and made man to be ridiculous.


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