Its been pity the way our society takes alone the merciless showing unto those who happen to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is a state of being weak, incapable for one to depend himself at almost all level of life.
Many people today live a miserable life, not because they ask for it, some people might argue that, that's the way the nature choose for them. But some times the state of being vulnerable is just artificial. While nature make provisions of all livelihood some greed handlers make the supplies so scarce to suppresses people. Some may opine on the theory of scarcity and choice, which leads consumer to excessive market competition, and though market can be any place where a bargain take place between those that are willing to sacrifice a valuable for another.
Life can be miserable without conscience and many people fall and became victim and can be vulnerable.
In Africa, many children are being expose to many aspect of poverty, a continent that is characterize by excessive corruption and poor handling from the management, and the famous invaluable policies, make the negative out of anything presented by those at the affairs of everything.
Disease, ranging from children killer disease, lack of pipe born water, poor sanitary in almost every part of the continent, and above all corruption are the basic mention in everyday news in our countries, and the lack of political will and zeal from the part of the common people as well as the middle class proponent, made the life much difficult to people.
Vulnerability in all stage and class of the people bring about the nepotism and bigotry especially, where the injustice prevail and openly the nepotism became like the oxygen in the lungs of the people.
Many developing/underdeveloped countries, are in crisis not because they don't have the wealth to sustain the country, but because of the greed of those that have the control of the resources being display, the countries became vulnerable to all sort of delinquencies from the side of the youth, and high crime from the adult.
Injustice leads to corruption and corruption leads to poverty, poverty leads to high crime and other stupidos, whenever there is injustice in the dissemination of wealth then such country became sway and prey to all kind crimes and possibly it can leads to civil war.
Nigeria is such a wonderful country, that have a beautiful story of both the independent struggle, we are happy to have secured our political independent as always mentioned, "on a flatter of gold", though the gold once turned to dust, when the country became vulnerable to sentiments that leads to the first military coup, 1966, the first republic became no more.
Then the civil war which officially ended in 1970, turn the history of Nigeria and rewrite the history as well, and from that moment Nigeria have never go on the straight line, though many aspect of democracy was practice to maintain the country, but the vulnerability which the country engage will never allow the ineptitude to get eluded in to good mentioning.
Political economy of this country is also a story of it own, divided along the line of power struggles and tussles, military and civilian, both with the same motive, checkmating the puzzle to arrive on one destination. Both the military and civilian government successively contribute much in the vulnerability of our society, bastardization of our sovereignty and making us to be a hullabaloo of our self.
Vulnerability among the lower class division in our society is just one shame to those in the helm of the affairs, as people with golden daggers always skip ahead of many. Go to schools and hospitals, you only see the kind of people who are just expose to misfortune of being in the lower division of the society, the masses of course, as clearly refer to. The injustice between the class divide make it hard for the development of this country, because the division create a very big vacuum in the unity and dedication of the people toward discharging a patriotism and patriotic duty expected from every citizen. So many things not going straight as they are suppose to be, every person is for himself alone, the survival of the fittess, make it compulsory for almost everybody to get in to the rat race of winner take all.
The ideologies on which our founding fathers put and directed us on, are no more in our character, we are just derails to the extend of displaying our bigotry naked for the whole world to understand.
Vulnerability of this country will never be close down unless we became serious in our fight against the cancer that raised the foundation of the tissue of this country down. Corruption is the first enemy we must fight, then nepotism and bigotry. We can only achieve that, by shunning the angels of doom whose aim is to make money at everyone's expense, and let try our possible best and bring back the glory of this country. Help the needy and protect the weak, by doing that, we stop the bad vulnerability.


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