Protests in Libya began on 15 February, 2011 in front of Benghazi's police headquarters following the arrest of a human rights attorney who represented the “relatives of more than 1,000 prisoners allegedly massacred by security forces in Tripoli’s Abu Salim jail in 1996.” What had began as a series of peaceful demonstrations turned into confrontations which were met with military force. A "Day of Rage" was declared for 17 February by the National Conference for the Libyan Opposition. 

Libyan military and security forces fired live ammunition on protesters. On 18 February, security forces withdrew from Benghazi after being overwhelmed by protesters—some security personnel also joined the protesters. 

 The protests spread across the country and anti-Gaddafi forces established a provisional government based in Benghazi, called the National Transitional Council with the stated goal to overthrow the Gaddafi government in Tripoli.

The above is in nutshell, the beginning of the curse in Sub-Saharan Africa, and Nigeria was the main target after the fall of Libya. The then PDP led FG could not realised the danger we were facing, they were busy doing strategizing for 2011 electiona. Meanwhile in the same 2009, Arabs were being misled and myopic to give in to conspiracy, Late President Yar'adua gave the order that plunges Nigeria into Oblivion, an order that change the history and narrative of the Northeast, which saw the extra judicial killings of people in Maiduguri after the original Boko Haram leadership led a violent protest against security personnel and Government. Many people were killed by the police, as reported by the Aljazeera News after the death of the Boko Haram founder in the police custody. 
The complementing scenarios that later jointly became the nightmare for us looked like a script and for the past ten years, many writers have put down many thoughts to be the essence and the genesis of this predicament. Boko Haram got mementum in 2010, and it begun with a hit and run on the security personnel,  people in Maiduguri were applauding them.... What happened later was the story everyone knows...

Western World under the leadership of United States of America Italy and France, paved ways for increasing restiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa, they led a joint dismantling operation on Libya to assist opposition on Ghaddafi, allowing Libya to fall was the biggest blunder in the recent history of Mankind, a country that has a stockpile of sophisticated arsenals being marauded by the uncultured and unorganized opposition that has just a motive, which was to overthrown a life long enemy, Ghaddafi was pushed out of the play, openly murdered, and the country is "free for all" today.
Islamist, Jihadist and today's Bandits got their supplies from the weapon market mainly originated from Libya. Libya become a nightmare for West Africa. 

Gun runners began to transport big and small arms across our borders, our porous borders could not stop the infiltration, meanwhile the corrupt practice keep giving a waiver to anything that can kill our Nation. Several intelligence reports obtained shows how reckless our government was when all the things started, there wasn't any tangible organized proactive measures taken to secure Nigeria from being part of the global unrest, the Terrorist already had based in Iraq and Syria were having a smoother routes to Chad Basin, today we not only dealing with our own Boko Haram, but an additional foreign terror from the middle East that swears to keep their presence in the enriching Chad Basin.

For Nigeria and Nigerians, Libya was and is still a curse, we are ripping the stupidity of some people that in 2010 all they had was ambition to toppled one man, not minding the consequences their actions might cause. Today thousands of people have paid the supreme price in NIGERIA including our finest soldiers, millions are homeless, and a whole region is in disarray because of that miscalculation of some idiots in Libya. 
The Chad Basin that was predicted to be one of the richest region in terms of natural resources, is today being toiling around, crying for help, a help that is looking like a mirage and not coming. Nigeria has suffered more to the insecurities, that today there is no corner of the country that is not under one or TWO threat. Boko Haram, Bandits, IPOB/ESN and kidnapping blocs. Not to mention the economic Banditry that has rooted for decades which was the genesis for all the predicament we found ourselves. 
Who will deliver NIGERIA?


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