Recently,  the world over controversies that ensuing on the Almajiri Tsangaya Schools, the life and struggles of Almajiri and the recent debate on if the system should be scrap or retain is taking a hot direction. From the society where the said almajiri reside to the government that neglected to take responsibility to make life better to all. Almajiri system has been the centre of debate and will continue to be for long, because nobody has a solid suggestions  to understand the upgrades needed in order to integrate the Schools and make it acceptable in today's settings years after the system was the only source of acquiring knowledge. Contrary to the notions today, where everyone is not offering right solution rather than for a scrapment of the system. Almajiranci is a system of Islamic education practiced in northern Nigeria mostly though there are traces of Almajirci pupils in many countries but the set up differs in perspective  and it is also the name for a young boy who is taught within this system, the system is called Almajiranci, the male gender seeking Islam knowledge is called Almajiri, female gender is Almajira, and the plural is almajirai.

Tsangaya is form of Islamic education and the Hausa word Tsangaya literally means Learning Centre... It was established as an organized and comprehensive system of education for learning Islamic principles, values, jurisprudence and theology but the most popular purpose for the establishment of Tsangaya was to have an avenue for Qur'anic memorization.

The sorry state the Almajiri pupils and Tsangaya Schools found themselves is worrisome, the perceived derailment from the core values and negligence from the part of the Muslims the whole over is a subject of conventions and ridiculing from those that think Tsangaya Schools are mere centres of child abuse, unnecessary punishments and rights infringement. Parents neglected their duty by sending their kids away for an unprepared journeys of life even as the kids were so small to handle life without a good counselling.

This blog is not at attempt to criticize or support on how the system should be, but furnishes and exploits other ways to proffer the system. The almajiri system will never be rejected by the Muslims North, in fact is a waste of time and energy to even think that a so-called campaigns of calumny can tarnish the image of this age long tradition. Therefore it's a task on us to proffer ways for integration and reenergizing the system to meet the 21st century.

Investment in education is a necessary investment that certifies higher productivity in the economy. To measure the proceeds on the educational investment, the cost-benefit analysis is usually used including the calculation and assessment of all the relevant costs and benefits. What are the benefits?
Education is considered as an investment in human capital. Human capital can be described as the knowledge, abilities and skills of an individual, acquired through education, training and experience, which help the latter to be more productive and thus improve his potential income earning.

This assertion has been an attributes of education which many of our people mistakenly took it to be an exclusive of western education. Western education has been perceived by majority to be a stepping stone for greatness, many people believe it's a life saver (worldly) anyone without it is perish. Which is why our people do considered investment in western system of education, people invest hundreds or thousands of million in western education investment, building Western schools, and anything related to western schools,  neglecting the investment in almajiri system. What is the root cause of this? The emphasis on investing in western education make it to temp the people to believe it's the only way, meanwhile the thinking in investing in Almajiri Tsangaya Schools to be world class and accepted is relatively absent.
Scrapping Tsangaya Schools is unattainable and unrealistic, it's a deception from the part of governments to even believe they can actualize such motive an it is equally nonsensical for people to believe the system should be left as it is as inherited. This antecedent must be check.

My believe is, almajiri Tsangaya Schools can compete with the western schools systems if our people can focus more to integrate it. Let us change the mind set of the people on how they see almajiri the moment the name is mentionedm and how we can equally spend much to fine-tune the system to meet the today's civilization. Investment in almajiri schools will up held the age long tradition. Let us begin to see good buildings replacing shanty uncompleted ragtag and let begin to neatly appearing pupils replacing the ramshackle tatar roaming the streets for alms and charity. Let us begin to see a good looking healthy kids coming out of modern buildings named Tsangaya, let's our thinking  change to make and bring out the beauty out of the Tsangaya Schools. The enlightenment can help perhaps we can make it boldly to the people that intend to invest that, their investment can have a double rewards.

Ahmad M. Salihu


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