Manage the life as it is, the disease that caught up with us, trying to downgrade our efforts while humanity give no room for remedy. Brand or how. Brotherhood become so low and nobody give a damn of what, We thought of self aggrandisement and failure to acquire the self assertion then the egocentrism lead our permutations.

The extreme lack of knowledge of life,  add a conflagration to every conflict and the serendipity  is with the Vim of having a dream to make sure we have the best. 
Our Youths is our concern,  and our primary determination is to be a flag bearers of our burden.  Let us confront the boredom and however to adopt the brinkmanship. 

I pity that so-called  of many youths organizations that represents nepotism, issuing out a reality of our division and the useless partisanship that will only drag us to the centuries of barbarism and hatred.
The 1994 Rwandan Intrahamway genocide was promoted by the indolent groups of youths and unscrupulous elders, who inflated and influenced ethnic cleansing between the two dominant tribes,  the "HUTU" and "TUTTSI" which brought the death of more than Nine hundred thousand 900,000 people in just three days. 

In the last few weeks,  the drums of war are roaring in Nigeria,  the agitation of secession is unfolding and the gullible youths are being drag in to the stupidity of some  puffery.  Most of us are ultracrepidarian in nature and we tend to mislead our peers or those we thoughts are inferior to us. The so-called youths organizations that issued threats across the country are nothing but the overzealous partisans who wish to make names out of the ignorance of others. But in the actual sense,  the sponsors of such heinous crimes against us  are the people we mostly give respect and they called themselves the elders.

The crime of our generation is just of being poor, youths have become tools of oppression, regression and giving bad names to the teaming of the youths and are gullible to be delusional and hireling. We are nothing but puppets who chase a shadow dream. At the end of every disappointment we tend to be bellyache and with a loud voice we grumble.

Expectation of serendipity has in time and again make us to be tired of being in a place where there is no determination.  The unfolding mirage is a trade show of shame emarse to the pity on which the Nigerian youths found themselves today. We are eventually being treated as second class in everything especially the those among us that do not have that golden spoon in their mouth. 

The jobs are scanty,  in fact reserved to the children of the elites,  the masses cannot even dare to dream of a lucrative one,  we end up in the oblivious forest of thinking about the future and how it may be. A parhelion perhaps,  that's how we gaze on the future that is so bleak and uncertain. 

Many of us are Sue-generis our problem is that we can't expostulate, our permutations are poor,  we only resorted to being a bone chase dog-like that doesn't have a glaring future but immediate satiability and that's all. 
Unless we become self sustain,  we can never be free of mental slavery that we are subjected in to today.  A pitiful outfits that in the end we shall shame of being ourselves. 
Self reliant sounds good,  but how? We stop being humblebrag and at least to be honest of our reality and pursue our endeavour to the fullest of our utility. 

Some of our politicians are the number one enemies of youth development,  especially recently,  the occupiers of the helm today,  do not care about our situation all they cares was our services to them no matter how dirty.  They relegated our position to be just a mere hireling and without fear,  we do as we were told to just escape the fearsome poverty in life. 

Our youths need to enlighten to have sound Education,  only a good sound education can make one to be enlightened and have a great meditation for self reliance and resilience, free from aggrandising and corruption. A corrupt free youths can save millions of lives and promote good governance in our country.  It's to wake up and do the needful,  Nigerian youths must be educated to understand their way and to stand on their feet. 

Ahmad M. Salihu 


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