In his opening remarks during a senate committee on a Hearing on Constituencies Development Catalyst fund (Establishment etc) Bill 2017 (SB.103). On monday 6th February, 2017. Senator Malam Ali Wakili, mni. Bauchi South, and also Chairman Senate committee on Poverty Alleviation and Social welfare, had this to say...

"We are not quite unaware of the great negativism, stereotypes, perceptions rigidity and the bad public image of the successive Assemblies including ours, since when the constituency intervention projects was introduced. To some of them, those funds meant for such intervention project that were aimed at bringing government closer to the people, spread of even development, basic needs of the people to fight the scourge of poverty via provision of potable drinking water, health clinics, schools, rural roads and provision of the basic amenities of life are Siphoned and misused by the members of the Legislature, in active connivance with the Bureaucrat".

Seriously, that was exactly my perception about this funds, and remarkably this is the general thinking of many Nigerians. Many do not know that, the funds is not coming directly to the HOR or Senator pockets.

Constituency Development project was introduced during the  Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR, tantamount to the excessive underdevelopment in around our rural areas, mostly and importantly to brought government closer to the people as dividend of democracy. It was between 2003 or 2004 precisely.People are profusely negating the way the funds are being dispensing spending as well as executing.

Over the years,constituencies Development Projects were thought by many to be a conduit, where monies are being siphoned by the  109 Senators or the 360 HOR  members, as lamented by Senator Malam Ali Wakili,mni, Chairman Senate Committee on Poverty Alleviation and social welfare. A kangaroo advocacy possibly to taint the image of our Honourable Members and our Distinguished Senators.  Senator Wakili has been since assumption to Senate, has pledged to correct all the anomalies the parliamentary Act that established the project brought, the misconceptions about this fund should be corrected to enlighten the constituents, the electorates as well as any other Nigerian that wishes to know the truth about the process.

The Nigerian 8th Senate intended to bring more constituents participation, as to seriously bring the projects to the people, hence to make it clear that, the monies is not actually been siphoned by the NASS members, rather the projects itself its been determined by the Bureaucrats.

I was privileged and honoured to be invited by the hallowed chamber, the Senate committee on poverty alleviation and social welfare, for a one day public hearing on the New Bill on "CONSTITUENCIES DEVELOPMENT CATALYST FUND". The representatives of the various MDAs, United Nations Agencies, Civil societies as well as constituents from the across Senatorial Districts in Nigeria. We converged to review the Bill, opinionated on some inputs that Nigerians would like to be corrected or inserted in the Bill.


The constituencies Development Catalyst Fund (CDCF) Establishment Bill,2017 (SB. 103) Sponsored by Senator Buhari Abdulfatai, Oyo North. is aimed at correcting all those prejudices and stereotypes. It is aimed at re-distributing National wealth and resources to the nooks and crannies of Nigerian State through improved rural economy, employment and standard of living. It is meant to ensure that service and facilities are made and easily available to the citizens. It is a mean of devolution of powers, authorities and strategy for enhanced citizen's participation in decision- making that affects their destiny, thereby enshrining good governance and civic participation.

The Bill is coming in the wheel of similar ones in other political climes like Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and other African Democracies.

Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre [PLAC] an NGO has made a comprehensive Analysis of the Bill. The Bill is divide into 8 parts, 28 clauses and 2 schedules.

Part I    -  Preliminary Provision
Part II   -  The Constituencies Development Catalyst Fund
Part III  -  Constituencies Development Committee
Part IV  -  Constituency Projects Submission list
Part  V   -  Submission, scrutiny and implementation of the Projects
Part VI  -  Types of Projects
Part VII -  Finance and Administrations
Part VII -  Miscellaneous
First Schedule  -  Constituency Project Submission list template
Second Schedule - Standar Projects description fund template.

The Bill will be apply to all Federal Constituencies in Nigeria. And God willing if the President Commander In Chief Of the Armed Forces of Nigeria sign it, it will be among the useful and finest Law in this country. The paradigm if established shall bring governance back to the people. The provision will make Nigerians the owners of their resources, livelihood as well as the projects to be executed directly unto their communities.

At this juncture, i will like to appreciates the Sponsor of the Bill, Senator Buhari Abdulfatai, the Chairman Senate Committee on Poverty Alleviation, Senator Malam Ali Wakili, mni, for the foresight and determination to advocate for social justice at a time many Nigerians are seeing the NASS members to be the sole beneficiaries of the controversial Constituencies Projects.

AHMAD M. SALIHU wrote from Bauchi


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