What makes real teaching and learning process? 

What are the secrets of having a sound knowledge?

Why is it today,  or for many years public schools performs very low,  below average?

Why is it that, teachers in public schools are always impoverish,  wishing to quit at any given time?

Why is it that,  the instructions in private schools are better than the public schools despite a wide disparity IN wages and salaries.  Public schools teachers collect more than the private schools teachers,  but yet the private schools students score more or perform better than the public schools students?

The intricacies started with an arguable neglect,  from the authority of course,  while the free market economy was introduced to make a freedom of wealth generation and guise under the pretense of making more unto oneself.

Teachers are the builders of the future,  they installed on an unquestionable morality in our probably clean slate brain,  and thus make us a moldable variable and contributive parcel to development.
Probably,  Nigerian teacher is the most suffered personnel IN the world,  especially the basic teachers,  am not referring to the tycoon University lecturers whose life was covered with a jumbo salaries and also a TETFUND sponsorship.
I am speaking about the basic teacher who does all the job and end up being a nagging bagger bond in the society.  I  am speaking about the set of people whose Nigerian fate relegates IN to street beggars and probable errand to any situation they found themselves.  These are the people whom government neglect for time.

Every state of the federation have there ways of  treating/maltreating this set of mind moulders,  policies that will never help are always being implemented just to sooth a political score of the incumbent and at the end,  the teacher will be the scolded monkey.

Late Prof. Baba Tunde Fafunwa,  describe Nigerian teacher as a like of a peasant farmer who tilt his land with subsistence tools,  some time with barehand,  using anything available because he enjoy the Opium of failure.
This is the story of our schools today,  the primary, the Junior secondary and the Senior secondary schools the story is the same everywhere.

Government policies are just wicked and mirage for years and things are still not being equal,  we need to step up for that.

Teacher welfare must be priority,  a hungry Man is always an angry Man,  most of the people that are in the profession of teaching today are doing so as there is no alternative,  there is no other option, they have to take the job for their survival not just because the job is attractive enough to make a flamboyant and presentable life worth taking.  Teaching us always been seen as the last employment option,  after all the hassle to make it to more lucrative job.

Many teachers interviewed have shown their willingness to remain in service if the government can at least adjust the condition.

Bauchi State can not be exceptional to these set of problems that is bedeviling the educational sector,  and the case study is arguably and boldly frank and the way the handling to ratify the situation is been going in a chameleon tramp.
Among the numerous problems of today's teacher is...

1.  Training,  teachers feel a sense of belongings if the government can massively assist them in training and retraining,  in-service program must be available to teachers without delay for educational development.

2.  Remuneration packages,  probably the inducement allowance which was enacted by the legislative law,  in  Bauchi State.  Ta should be revisited and reintroduce.

3.  Check mating the excessive transfer being done by the Ministry just to maltreat or satisfy someone's request.

4.  Massive infrastructure, laboratory,  libraries and comprehensive ICT Centres for teaching and learning make easy.

5.   Comprehensive Inspection Team,  to be saddle with a mandate of utmost supervision of the teachers while in class room,  to check out redundancy and quackery.

6.  Teachers housing scheme, transportation loan and so on.

My believe  these and many more can be the beginning to answer the above questions at the opener of my post,  which are the basic problems of the public schools in Bauchi State.

No doubt,  do many initiatives were established to promote education in the state and remove decadence,  programmes including the  International donor wees adopted to make the public schools a revived place of learning,  but over the years things are just being stagnant and like we just moving in the same circus nothing has been achieved. 
There must be contributing effort to promote the educational sector,  and there must be  honesty in the part of government in establishing any policy regarding educational development. 

Allah ya taimakemu.

Una good morning wooooo!!!


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