Capitalist always adopted this philosophy of  "From each according to your ability,  to each according to your productivity". Acquisition of wealth is an extra effort as such then you have to have extra force to be able to make it in life.
Such philosophy can be adoptable IN to any background,  being it individual or State,  and the results will be technically helpful because we are in a condition of no return.

Since January 2016, Bauchi State is listed among the States that are facing a sort of financial problems which even resulted to salary backlog.  Civil Servants and pensioners owing some months for salaries and pensions, thank God the backlog is becoming history now hoping to see the lasting solutions to this salary issues.
My submission is not about what,  but it is about how our state can be resolute and have a focus on any thrift endeavor to consolidate monetary discipline.  Bauchi State is urgently needing a monetary policy that would work to compliment the Abuja allocation.  No doubt we are dependent of Monthly FAAC  from which we hangs our welfare,  numerous of projects to execute but a scarce resources mainly derived from the Federation Account has outline our laziness and for that,  Bauchi State fall between the two lines of survival.

When it comes to attestation,  we must confess that,  Bauchi is endowed with numerous wealth.  Ranging from the human capacity, land for agriculture as well as deposits of different solid minerals resources. Also we are the home for Benue trough an explore for Crude oil,  which was discovered some years ago. 

Since his assumption IN to office,  Governor M. A. Did try his best to make accumulation for the better revenue consolidation mobilization and implementation could be bit difficult,  but as a matter of fact our state need to metamorphose from a parasitic system of governance to a self sustenance whereby our expenditure will be dedicated to our internally generated efforts.

And office of the special Adviser on Revenue was created to complement such assertion and the gesture was fruitful,  but in this section our state need a fire brigade approaches to actualize this.
To actualize this we must embark and adopt the TSA policy.  Treasury single Account.  Where all revenue Accrue shall be routed to single account for probity and accountability.
The importance of TSA and it's advantages today cannot be overemphasized,  the policy if adopted can stop all financial leakage and reckless from the MDAs and other agencies belonging to the government. TSA could help the government in the current economic crisis has it been was adopted earlier before this time.
Take a look for example,  Bauchi possess many local markets operating under the LGAs these markets contributes a lot in terms of economic growth,  every Cow,  goat, Chicken and produce are being paid upon for revenue the accruals from the receipt is largely unaccounted for every week these markets operate and it is only half of the monies received is being remitted IN to the government treasury,  the revenue officers who are renegade are so much corrupt and too wise to help government benefits from such monies from our local markets.
Our Primary Healthcare centres in various villages collected a fee from the sales of Out-patients diagnosis card. As well as the general hospitals across the states such monies accrue are not coming to state purse in wholesome.
Our various Tertiary institutions in Bauchi State collect revenues also,  ranging from the sales of Admission forms, course registration and accommodation to students,  nobody cares to ask about the utmost remittances from these higher institutions.
Even our Secondary schools collect revenues from students annually.  There was a time I know a secondary school in Bauchi metropolis generate about N5million within the period of three terms of school calendar.  Imagine if we have a TSA  to consolidate all these accruals?
We have lock up shops in our streets,  super markets,  markets shops and itinerate traders across towns and villages of Bauchi State,  we have commercial motorcycles as well as taxis.
So far,  it's only the state Civil Servants that pays revenue compliment Of the PAYE policy, 
Where every worker pays a mandatory 8% of his monthly emolument to government.

BAUCHi State must adopt the TSA for monetary survival and I believe there are a lot of utility to be derived from this policy,  beside the exchequer on corruption and many more financial leakage. I believe after adopting this policy our state will not have to wait again for Abuja before we can have an appropriation, if Lagos State in its capacity can generate N25billion a month with the policy Bauchi can at least get closer to at least N2billion in a month. As a change agent, I believe governor Abubakar will remarkably do well if we have a better revenue in our State,  and I know he is going to adopt this policy for proper IGR consolidation.


Ahmad M. Salihu write from Bauchi


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