"THE LABOUR OF OUR HEROES PAST SHALL NEVER BE IN VAIN"... Nigeria begin today, the caption of the picture poster of this blog, curled from a friend's page on face book drawn my attention to write this piece. As a Nigerian with a substantial number of age, who at least have an inside knowledge of how my country begins and how the middle journey became soar and the Democratic pursuing becoming betrayal I tend to pass my experience and to congratulate Nigeria for still being here. Being a 55 years old is not an easy one and to be able to overcome all challenges of life within these period is also a great miracle, Nigeria have performed such miracle that no any other country steps on such path and remain alive, take a look at the example of some African and Middle East countries that today remain in chaos because of a mere political difference, Nigeria is a blessed country leader. 1st October 1960, was the celebration year to Nigerians,...