Our independent history was so beautiful, which gave us hope and yearning for a tranquility a future may bring to us, although the history experience some common human mistakes which every strong nation on earth face, and overcoming it is not a serious problem if the country have a determination to per take.
Our people are good determine people, full of hopes and zeal to face all kind of challenges and believe me we are like a motivated army who fought a war at any giving condition irrespective of the warfare.
Our politics is a history of it own, making headlines all over, because of the calibre of who we are and how we go alone with our affairs. Nigeria is 100 years with a history of colorful struggle, bribery and corruption, civil war, religio- ethnic conflict, and above all bigotry among the it's citizen to mention but few.
I am compel some time to write a bitterly harsh word in statement, to make my wiping heart stop bleeding internally and then I will be satisfied to know that Nigeria shall be great again, in future.
Certainly we experience civilian rule, which was mared with all accusation of corruption and mismanagement and it became the essence of the collapse of the three republics before the recent one.
First Republic was manned in 1957 or 1960, the independent year, the unitary system of government then, serve with determine focus to elevate this country to world class emulation and power, Nigeria is always a giant of Africa, but the patriotism was cut short when in the 1966 just six years after the independent the first republic was toppled in a controversial bloody coup lead by some people from the section of this country. From that moment, our histrory get in to histeria  and distorted forever.
We fought a civil war, for two and a half year, with no victor no vanquished, and then our history get in to a global phenomenon of military rule and dictatorship, up to 1979, when second republic come and they were cut short again in 1983. 
I am not writing this just to give a lectur, but to build a bridge of hope which many of us are beginning to doubt about it, because the hope is fading especially among the up growing teaming youth.
In 1999, democracy bounce back and we were happy. PDP took over and today for almost 15 year they rule this country and a lot has happened and many of us see it to be a theory which is to make this country unbearable to it citizen.
Oil bunkering in the south, vandalization and kidnapping of highly personnel and person are the great challenge in the south and south south. The activities of the rebels calling themselves movement to emancipate the Niger Delta from the what they misleadingly perceived northern incursion is the most irritating in the region, thereby reducing the buoyancy of the economy, hence the oil money is all coming from the south south, and with the activities of those militants the economy will be faced with a good blow.
Bribery and corruption is another set back of our history, I have never see any society that is so proud to be corrupted and as such, I think our society is proud to be corrupted hence nobody have to do anything about it. Government officials are the proud partners in the miserabling of this country they are rated as among the most  corrupt official in world.
Then come the insecurity, the sum of all fear, insurgency associated to religion, the embrogliou in this is that, the insurgency is coming after an American prediction of Nigeria's disintegration on or after 2015, the country will be splitted in to either two or three countries, and as such we can see the theory is now being putting in to practice, as per the activities in the north.
Religious insurgency is a global problem which we experiance in many countries like Iraq, Pakistan, Afganistan and philliphines, all the world over, there is no victory in the conflict.
Northern Nigeria is in deplorable condition and the terrorism is coming fast to engulf the entire region, if not Nigeria itself. Many of us were afraid to speak about it, because of fear of what tomorrow might bring, many have died in that.
People are being kill on daily basis, and the government of the day is not ready to protect its citizen from being maimed and destroy. Our hopes are being tarnish our future is in good trouble that even our children are becoming an easy target, because the corrupt government is not ready to give a damn about the killing in the north. The soldiers in the front line are ill-equipped and unmotivated, reports attributed to them is that, at so many occasion they flee their post and abandoned it for the insurgents to take over, many people are killed, a lot have lost there livelihood and hundred of villages and communities were vanish. People run away from the conflict regionals in what appears to be the insurgents have taken control of some part of Nigeria. Schools became targets, as the case of FGC Buni Yadi, College of Agriculture in Yobe and a secondary school in MAMUDO all in an effort to stop us from acquiring knowledge. Not to mention hundred of schools unreported which were destroyed totally or partly, preventing our children from becoming educated.
I am afraid of the future, what tomorrow may bring is my fear, but hopely it will come with glad tidings.
Those that call themselves leaders of the region, are divided because of politics, thereby playing politics with our lives and many more, the youth have became obsessed with poverty which cripple there thinking and make them stupendous without future.
Nigeria is a great country to be if at all the leaderships will be just and corrupt free, we hope to see the next election comes with hope and promising future, to be a world class and permanent enjoyment.
We must stand against all odds and corrupt leadership  to make the country great. It our duty to be at a forefront and fight this venom that is crushing our development. MAY GOD HELP NIGERIA.


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