If there is anything worth worrying is not much than the modern system of democracy which Nigeria and Nigerians adopted, a total change or I can say a total derailment from the actual political track which is recognized all over the world.
Although, the history always use to repeat itself, but the current situation at which this country find itself, I will never guarantee the safe landing of the next general election comes 2015, hence we all witness the 2011 post election violence that erupted immediately after the pronouncement of the presidential election results, the violence which claimed many lives and the lost of hundred of millions worth of properties.
The conspiracy theory at which the western world predicted the split of Nigeria because of ethnic tension and what a view, is gaining roots making the especially younger generation who have no experience of how much some people sacrifice to keep this country united, including many that lost their lives, some have permanent disability, just because they wanted to established and keep a country which many of us today can call ours without fear.
Nigeria's political history is full of amazing actions and stories, right from the first republic to this one, so many transformations have occurs and believe me a lot of changes have been made just to satisfy the conditions at which we the sovereign people of this country agrees on since the amalgamation of the 1914.
Nigeria will be 100 years in 2014, centennial celebration awaits whoever reach the time, but our question is that, does the politics of pretending of being one country pays? So many people agitate the redress of the settings and settlings of this country, when a lot of people from south saw the amalgamation as fraud to enslave them and make the Hausas supreme and lords over the whole ethnics of the country.
The thinking at which many southerners perceives the 1914 amalgamation a fraud, where the propaganda is always been done to preach the seccesion which the first heroes tried to uphold.
Despite all the riches that is being excavated and despite all the billions that is being diverted to the Treasuries of those states, that claims to have contribute 90% of Nigeria's money, a lot of questions that need answers on the actual spendings of those funds allotted to the Deltans if the accrued money is being use judiciously why the rising of the eye brows and the heat exchanges of political wanton statements.
When civilian rule returns in 1999, though on the basis of hurry to chase military out, many anomalies were committed by the politicians of northern states, despites there capacity and capabilities of changing anything in this country, there powers does not yield anything to the development of northern states.
North have all the potents and technicalities, but the lack of mathematical will and zealousness of the elite few renders the region a big for nothing, and make her enemy understand that the region is also a  Big for nothing.
The politics of killings is now an order of the day, with so many Libes being spoils and wasted, a lot of our politicians does not have a regards for human lives, in many state of the federation, if you go against those on the thrones you will just perished by a hudloom ruler who always thinks that his enemies a within those opposing his system of leadership.
Quite sure there must be healthy opposition to check mate the incumbent activities, and also any dictatorial act by those in power should not be entertain, because so many crimes have been committed in the name of silencing opposition, that is why some times many good people are not involved in the politics of Nigeria, because of the characteristics consist in the system.
Nigeria's political history is full of controversy and horrible revealing, ranging from region to region, some times with the state apparatus, and a lot of prominent personalities have been wasted and no enquiries to prove the killings was ever set up, and in a situation where the enquiries was set up, the out come will never be scrutinize talk less of taking any action to rectify it.
As Nigeria is now approaching the next general election in 2015, there is likely an uprising be set up, with the political atmosphere clouding the gaze of expectation of many Nigerians, the fear is that, the ruling party as usual will be accuse of using state apparatus to claim victory for itself, as it was been accuse before. The police and other security out pit are being accuse of backing mainly the ruling party, indifferent of who is at the helm, especially the police force, who are highly been accuse of being so much  corrupt and backing the highest bidder.
The general public should also avoid supporting any tip of being involved politics of hatred and bigotry, because the common man is just being use as a puppet, and through him the politics of killing is being advocated, let the common people be knowledgeable regarding whoever want to govern or lead this country, we must not allowed sentiments to overtake us. Shun the politics of killings.


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