
Showing posts from October, 2013


The last time I was in Sokoto was before the coming back of the 1999 democracy, when I went to Usmanu Dan fodio university, hoping to secure an admission field to study Law. I was unfortunate then not get the admission because of some deficiency, that was the last time I was in the city. My recent visit was greeted with so many changes which I must confess it was brought via the ample dividend of democracy, when people fulfill there yearnings by electing the people of there choice in to the political office so that the said elected persons will endeavors to make the promise realistic and attainable to bring sustainability and economic stability. Sokoto is blissfully lucky this time around to have her two illustrious sons as Democratically elected chief executives, thereby ripen the dividend as it is suppose to be. I am much astonish to see the wide tremendous change in the city, many road were excavated and some interceptor flyover bridges were build to easen traffic flow within the ...


My first sallah in my mother's village, after about 15 years, I enjoy the break and the visitation. Its really good to have a reunion with those whom you were childhood friends and get together again.


Slave trade deprived Africans there human dignity and rights which make a person to be taken against his will. So many Africans were migrated or taken forcefully to Europe and America to work on a farm which can never be there's. Africa have tested these deprivation for decades before the industrial revolution of the 19 century. After the abolition of the slave trade, we have seen the historic inflow of the freed slave back to Africa to come and be settled in the settlement such as the Liberia and Free town, long before the Africa's struggle for political independent from the colonial Europe. Post independent Africa is full of surprises in which the neocolonialism continues this time with the full pledge corrupt leaders of the continent. We remain the dark continent even after the expected political independence which have became a tool of regrets to other countries. Post independent and the political economy of Africa is another story of it own, when many underdeveloped As...


No doubt a teacher is the foundation of knowledge apart from the parents, school is a place where people undergo a formal training and make a good life. Teachers are the light in a child life, teacher is a light in ones path without which this particular person shall be astray in the wilderness of illiteracy. Teachers are the impactors of knowledge and also they induce and inculcate discipline to make a person a better for himself and the community. So many Nigerian teachers did not believe the teaching to be the profession which one will be proud of, because so many people thought that teaching in Nigeria is a quasi profession, where by it has became the last resort, last option after being struggle to grab other more lucrative job. Teachers in Nigeria are being mock with the famous slogan of, 'your reward is in heaven', meaning they will never have any welfare package here on earth, because of the whooping neglect from the part of the government itself,which totally make t...


No doubt we have our independence on a flatter of gold, and though the later differences and many misunderstanding leads to a lot of calamities and which still follow Nigeria and Nigerians. In this episode i will talk about the biggest problem Nigeria is facing, the name which is much familiar to even the kindergarten, and if you can go around Nigeria and ask this question about corruption, in am sure you will have the same answer and even tomorrow the answer will remain the same. CORRUPTION Before the independence of 1960, our founding fathers expected to put down a country which each sundry will be much proud of it. A country which will stand on it feet and make provisions for all basics, tranquility and prosperity. Agriculture was the first instrument of development that was used to develop this country up to 1966, I believe if the industry was not cut shot, Nigeria could have became Africa's CANADA. Corruption is the highest problem facing Nigeria and for long time this cou...