Since after declaring his intention to run for the gubernatorial race of Bauchi State, more versions of speculations started emanating, some are blemish, antagonising and calumny. Meanwhile, some come clean to imprint a good Image of the retired General of the Nigeria Airforce. The political spectrum of Bauchi State has been built on certain pillars that guide the moves, the outcome as well as the roads to fruition, which is why it is very much unpredictable to determine the outcome of every spear in the Bauchi State politics being it a more complex than understood by the outsiders. Myriad of his oppugnant believe that SBA does not qualify to have the APC ticket for 2023 race, they may have their reasons for saying that, many which are baseless accusations built on hearsay and speculations, inferences and assumptions that being him a retired General what did he have to offer that will beat the imagination of the people to trust him with their mandate? SBA has been the ...