
Showing posts from July, 2021


Since after declaring his intention to run for the gubernatorial race of Bauchi State, more versions of speculations started emanating, some are blemish, antagonising and calumny. Meanwhile, some come clean to imprint a good Image of the retired General of the Nigeria Airforce. The political spectrum of Bauchi State has been built on certain pillars that guide the moves, the outcome as well as the roads to fruition, which is why it is very much unpredictable to determine the outcome of every spear in the Bauchi State politics being it a more complex than understood by the outsiders.  Myriad of his oppugnant believe that SBA does not qualify to have the APC ticket for 2023 race, they may have their reasons for saying that, many which are baseless accusations built on hearsay and speculations, inferences and assumptions that being him a retired General what did he have to offer that will beat the imagination of the people to trust him with their mandate? SBA has been the ...


On the Bauchi State House of Assembly's decries of  62 Colleges Of Education, and lamentation that 45 out of them are Unauthorised. Wikki Times, an Online News medium reported and it is unfortunate and depressing to have such in our State. I read the report and the observations of the Bauchi State House of Assembly, I've been saying this for years and unless a drastic change is made, nothing good will come forth of the said issue. For immemorable times we've been lamenting this too, meanwhile, the body that is saddled with the regulations to all these is too weak to have made any difference to regulate such an educational catastrophe. On a serious note, the threat on which this time bomb is plastering to our honour as State is worrisome.  Most of these sandwich colleges are substandard, they are only producing mostly half-baked graduates to fill into an already ramshackle system that for a very long time need an overhaul and strict rules of operation from the Mi...


Being different makes you more fascinating. Showing it makes you stand out, draws more attention to you, and makes people want to get to know you more. You'll leave an everlasting impression on others just by simply being yourself. A lot of people have plummeted into the traps of benevolence and in the end, they become victims of domestic hatred and societal despise. In our case, today, people are being compelled to be subconscious of their psych to fit in with the moving crowd, regardless of whether they are on the right path or not, but to live in peace, we have to get along with the rest of us to save being termed.  Can we be distinct from others and live our lives without being harassed? Where is freedom? Where is humanity? I'm being heartbroken and I can't think like the rest of us. Humans are the architect of their quandary. Always Look for the Good in People, just like there are two sides to every story, we all have our good and bad sides too. Focus on Pe...


A griot will always choose a word to spit, an infallible thought that will give awe to anyone that reflects on, even if it passes for years.  The theatrics happening in our today's polity is incongruous of all, a bizarre that might consume the ends of us. Honestly speaking, I see no prestige of preference in all these, going by the stagecraft and melodrama that's always being display to people who have been at the toiling end and the nest to breed their way up. Politicians believe they can play the intellect of the people, giving them false hope in a shadowy narrative that may not see the light of the day. People's naivety always accepts as if it's a fate to be in such a corridor, a deceptive statement and luring lips to make ridicule of the electorates to fave them a way to get the helm of the State. For time immemorial, people are being christened to believe it is the only way, by applying the method of deception to get a victory over the opposition, many ...


By  MUHAMMAD QADDAM SIDQ ISAH  Since the repatriation of Nnamdi Kanu, there have been conflicting accounts and speculations on how and from which country he was repatriated. However, the sketchy and largely ambiguous official account suggests his repatriation was through a covert operation.    A similar supposedly clandestine operation in 1984 to kidnap and repatriate Umaru Dikko from London failed due to the gross and inexcusable naivety of the Nigerian authorities then. Dikko was accused of unprecedented misappropriation of public funds when he was Minister of Transport under the preceding overthrown civilian administration. He had, however, fled to London to avoid arrest.    The then Nigerian military government engaged the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, for six million dollars to kidnap and repatriate him. The Nigerian authorities were apparently impressed by Mossad’s exceptional competence in transnational kidnapping and repatriation ...


Individualistic sanctity has been the irredeemable asset in many of us, Nigerians are known of the character of being selfish especially if appointed into a public position. In a country ridden by corruption, it's hardly a day that goes by without a headline of one corruption Story, scandals, and squandermania of Public officeholders. It's cancer that has been bedeviling NIGERIA for decades.  Altruism is the unselfish concern for other people—doing things simply out of a desire to help, not because you feel obligated to out of duty, loyalty, or religious reasons. It involves acting out of concern for the well-being of other people. Altruism can also be referred to as behavior that benefits another individual at a cost to oneself. For example, giving your lunch away is altruistic because it helps someone hungry, but at a cost of being hungry yourself. The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the onl...