The inconveniences cast in the opposition's camp has been unbearable to them, they are trying all possibilities to cast aspersion on the candidacy of Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar, seeing the general acceptability of Air Marshal in the hearts of the Bauchi citizens, people throwing their utmost support behind him to vie for gubernatorial seat comes 2023. It is even a cunctation from his side to have made up his mind, to accept the offer, that complies with his Mum's endorsement to offer himself and join politics. Many believe that Sadique will be belvedere of new BAUCHI STATE, a State that suffers much in the hands of Political jobbers and scavengers, the reason why people will rally behind him, hence his background as a military man. Sadique's Military background does not prevent him from fitting into politics, despite the life he lived as a military man, believe me, he has since been assimilated into the class and as a quick learner, he'd already turne...