
Showing posts from June, 2021


The inconveniences cast in the opposition's camp has been unbearable to them, they are trying all possibilities to cast aspersion on the candidacy of Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar, seeing the general acceptability of Air Marshal in the hearts of the Bauchi citizens, people throwing their utmost support behind him to vie for gubernatorial seat comes 2023. It is even a cunctation from his side to have made up his mind, to accept the offer, that complies with his Mum's endorsement to offer himself and join politics. Many believe that Sadique will be belvedere of new BAUCHI STATE, a State that suffers much in the hands of Political jobbers and scavengers, the reason why people will rally behind him, hence his background as a military man. Sadique's Military background does not prevent him from fitting into politics, despite the life he lived as a military man, believe me, he has since been assimilated into the class and as a quick learner, he'd already turne...


Late Prof. Aliyu Babatunde Fafunwa described Teaching as, "Teaching is the process of giving someone systematic instruction on the appropriate knowledge, values, habits, attitudes and behavioral patterns that he or she needs to function as a useful and acceptable member of the community. Teaching is a cultural universal or one of those things all humans share in common. Through teaching, human beings can transfer a posteriori knowledge, as opposed to a priori knowledge, onto their offspring, thus, helping them to adapt better to their environment and to enjoy life to the fullest. Teaching is a big part of everyone's life experience. From birth to death, we spend most of our time either receiving instructions from others or giving instructions to others". We are now in a position to weigh the status of  teaching , despite a lack of simple rules for guidance. Our postulates preclude the designation of  teaching  as a  profession  by intrinsic right, si...


Even when he was in the middle of his career, people were aspiring for him to one day take the stewardship of this great State, Bauchi State is always bin dare need of a Golden pilot with a golden compass to compassionately steers the drive of the State. Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar will be the right carrier of this gigantiuan responsibility. The man with a giant shoulder for all the people to lean on. SBA has a stockpile of legacy to leave if giving a chance to serve.  Sadique Baba Abubakar was born on April 8, 1960 in  Azare ,  Bauchi State . He had his primary education at St Paul's Primary School  Bauchi  from 1967 to 1973 and for his secondary education, he attended Government Secondary School, Bauchi.  Air Marshal Abubakar joined the  Nigerian Air Force  as a member of Cadet  Military  Training Course (CMTC 5) in November 1979. He has a Diploma in Public Administration and a Bachelor of Science degree (second class...


  By MUHAMMAD QADDAM SIDQ ISAH.   Over the past several years Israel has intensified its attacks on selected military targets in Iran and on Iran-sponsored militias in Syria and Iraq. Iran’s nuclear program sites including the crucial Natanz nuclear facility, other military and sometimes even non-military but equally vital infrastructure have been attacked by Israel. The latest incident believed to be an Israeli attack was the “mysterious fire outbreak" that led to the sinking of Iran’s largest warship in the Gulf of Oman.    In the wake of each attack, Israel would either maintain “guilty silence” or react in clear terms obvious enough to suggest its responsibility yet ambiguous enough to exempt it from any legal or diplomatic consequences.    While it's an open secret that Israel is always behind such attacks, Iran is faced with an awkward dilemma. As a regime known for its extremely harsh anti-Zionist rhetoric and threat to “wipe Israel off t...


The 9th Assembly of Bauchi State leadership of Speaker Rt. Hon. Abubakar Y Suleiman (Dangaladiman Ningi) has written its name in golden colours in the minds of the good people of Bauchi State for the tremendous achievements recorded since its inauguration on 20th June 2020. The Assembly has proven wrong the doomsayers who predicted a chaotic House because of the initial intrigues during its inauguration and the composition of members who are mostly APC while the State Executive Arm is led by the PDP. With the dynamic and meaningful leadership of Speaker Rt Hon Abubakar Y Suleiman, spiced with his humility and simplicity, the 31 members of the Assembly saw reason to put party differences behind their back, embrace each other and put the interest of Bauchi State as their top priority. SPEAKER'S ACHIEVEMENTS IN HIS NINGI CENTRAL CONSTITUENCY Apart from providing purposeful and exemplary leadership at the Assembly, Speaker Rt. Hon. Abubakar Y Suleiman has never relented in ...