
Showing posts from May, 2014


For years, people believe in ideology and certainly thought that they are being guided by the great mind and choose a path to understand this ideology. Religion and its chronicles often use to guide the humanity on the utmost obligation that every living being is suppose to abide by and be guided by it. Sometimes, the opium of this religion make a man to be misguided and became renegade just to be selfish of himself and his perceive sentiment, also some satanic doctrines indoctrinate and pollute human mind and twist it with a misplace teachings and thereby became mislead and go astray from the actual path of the religion. Man as a social animal choose his path sometime in style, because hindrance often weaken and made vulnerable even the most smart and courageous of human. Life as a process teaches teach us a lot of perambulation and we entirely meditate to keep our head high as we expect a complement in life. Religion as a guidance make us to draw back our intent to supreme being a...


In Nigerian factor and mentality, political critics are considered as venom, where the ruling class expect the followership to blindly support and unequivocally ascent all the bluff in leadership, we are just made to accept whatever a President, governor or any other public office holder should blatantly present to us, we are just expected to be a blind followers without an exchequer even if the leader has gone wrong, we are only expected to blow a horn of praise singing in his favour just to satisfy his blunder. In Nigeria, people are subjected to professional and unconventional beggars in which everybody is relegated to abject poverty and therefore become a mere tool of manipulation and mockery, when a corrupt economy does not stand to generally people need and provision of basic welfarism, the next disgrace is to comfort a privilege few with the state resources and abandon the principals. I am compel to write this not because of rivalry or personal hatred, rather because, if crit...