
Showing posts from March, 2021


Already discourses has started and the waters are being stire to create more alarming discordance between the various sections of the country.  Already, the ethnic jingoist have started trumpeting their arrays and championing their cause to have the Presidency to themselves.  There is also some gongs from the Separatist promoters, the IPOBS and their usual cacophony, have encapsulated the SE infesting more people to delve into campaign of calumy against a sole enemy, the North. Meanwhile one ritualist that is now throwing himself as imposed Yoruba local champion is singing the rhetoric of war for intimidation. Every jargon of threats is pour on the Northerners, fingering hatred directed at the North as if the Northerners are not also prime victims of this miscarriage amalgamation called NIGERIA. It all begun in 1966, January 15th as the beginning of the end to a fragilic ailing marriage of people with detrimental motive as one country, that was sewn in 1914. The Ig...


 The early Birds catch the worms, so it is the law of earning, one can't be lazy and get what he desires. We can only be strong through things we believe are attainable, with humility and perspective we can get to the bottom of every of our dreams to do away with predicament.  The ruse in life is created by being fanatical and deceptive, people borrows the coat of chameleon to live within the unsuspecting persons, the trust meted and the deception follows, that is why I believe in being objective and optimistic in all I believe in.  Yayin da mutane suka sakankance suka yarda da wani al'amari, sai kaga daga ƙarshe abun ya zama nadama a gare su.  Dana sani akace keya ce, shiyasa ake buƙatar Nazari mai zurfi kafin aikata lamura, ko wani iri ne kuwa. Mutane sukan Girmana duniya fiye da kansu, sukan Girmana samun ɗan uwansu fiye da rayuwarsu, to amma idan wanda suke wa bautar ya zama marowaci, to daga nan sai suyi baya dashi.  Don't be foolish in your pur...


By  Tahir Ibrahim Tahir (Talban Bauchi)      To the chagrin of APCists, and to the dismay of Buharists, 'Bubu' has been magnanimous in spreading our commonwealth, and the projects it brings, to all the geopolitical zones of the country; irrespective of party inclinations-- or more definitively, without recourse to states that have been supporting him politically, for a long time now. Yes he may have done that with appointments to political offices, but not with projects, interventions and palliatives! PMB has indeed been quite magnanimous to a fault. In this regard, he has been a true father to all, and a great elder statesman. However, this may not be apparent as the insecurity that has bedeviled the country, is obscuring all that can be counted as good or positive; in the policies, activities and programmes of the Buhari led government. That is a very serious indictment, as security, is foremost in whatever governance activity an administration is saddl...


Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction where intended parents work with a gestational surrogate who will carry and care for their baby(ies) until birth. Intended parents use surrogacy to start or grow their families when they can't do so on their own. In gestational surrogacy, the child is not biologically related to the surrogate mother, who is often referred to as a gestational carrier. Instead, the embryo is created via in vitro fertilization (IVF), using the eggs and sperm of the intended parents or donors, and is then transferred to the surrogate. Although Researchers concluded, “surrogacy pregnancy should be considered as a high-risk emotional experience because many surrogate mothers may face negative experiences.” Furthermore, surrogate moms face increased pregnancy risks that come with carrying multiple embryos, which are often used to ensure success. Surrogacy is been practice all over the world and is not a new thing when one mentioned it, nothing sur...


In the last part of my blog, I try as much as possible to be objective in highlighting the stride of GOVERNOR BALA MUHAMMAD Abdulkadir, his appetite to repositioning Bauchi State cannot be overemphasize, despite the paucity and fewness of the State purse and IGR. We can conclude that His Excellency has a greater plan to surprise the Bauchi People in order to puncture and  deflates whatever assertions people may hold against him. Yes! To deflates all assertions against him in his quest for a greater Bauchi State. As I illustrated in my Part one of this blog, many people in the State and around the Nation do not hold the opinion that Senator Bala MUHAMMAD Abdulkadir was the best choice of the people, then the surprise of a protest vote by the people gave him the mandate, with a slight margin, he thwarted the ambitious overzealous APC administration in the State and become the Governor. In international development, good governance is a way of measuring how public institutions con...


CREATING SOLACE Creating a solace to beautiful Bauchi State, job Weldon by the present Governor of Bauchi State, Sen. Bala Muhammad Abdulkadir. There was a divergent opinion in 2019, as to whom the votes shall be casted by be people?  Gov. Bala Mohammad Abdulkadir polled a total of 515,113 votes to defeat the then incumbent governor Muhammed Abubakar Esq who polled 500, 625 votes. In addition to some contenders famously known for their personalities, Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate of PRP was also among the candidates defeated by Ƙauran Bauchi in an election that was widely believed to be a protest vote by the people. Having being fed up with the past APC administration in the State that was seen to be a non-performing one. There was a general opinion before 2019 that, Kaura will not be a choiced GOVERNOR, people always references his antecedents as former FCT Minister during GEJ administration. His tenure as FCT Minister was sorrounded by speculative assertions of ...