The extent of bedevilling life at which a common and average Nigerian unfortunately find himself is a scary one, we live in a world of delusional dreams which never have time to be a reality. My experience as a youth in this country has thought me a lot of lessons conventional and ethical, I believe every Nigerian is a lone survivor of the scourge of corruption and obnoxious lack of commitment on the side of the leadership. Africa is a bountiful continent, rich in everything, ranging from human labour to capacitative mineral resources, they said Africa is the cradle of civilization itself. A lot of scholastic presentation was and is still being committed to on this rich continent and how it may proliferate up to the challenge of the new world order, but the crippling legs of this vast empire, keep on demoralizing the development and make the African people keep losing hope on whether if Africa will be out of the current limbo it finds itself? The first instance is to b...