Our independent history was so beautiful, which gave us hope and yearning for a tranquility a future may bring to us, although the history experience some common human mistakes which every strong nation on earth face, and overcoming it is not a serious problem if the country have a determination to per take. Our people are good determine people, full of hopes and zeal to face all kind of challenges and believe me we are like a motivated army who fought a war at any giving condition irrespective of the warfare. Our politics is a history of it own, making headlines all over, because of the calibre of who we are and how we go alone with our affairs. Nigeria is 100 years with a history of colorful struggle, bribery and corruption, civil war, religio- ethnic conflict, and above all bigotry among the it's citizen to mention but few. I am compel some time to write a bitterly harsh word in statement, to make my wiping heart stop bleeding internally and then I will be satisfied to know that...