Politics they said is a game of numbers, one with the majority is likely to emerge as the favoured of the people. Undoubtedly, the era at which we yearn to gain support for our dreams and ambition could equally be our decorum. Politics as a game of numbers pay to those that pursue a decent route to accomplish it, I believe Sardauna Malabu is among the best few that accomplished this route and achieve a successful journey in the heart of this game, a page has been established to emboldened the best price of life an accomplishment to the millions of youth and groups, a proud example of hard work to success. Barrister Aliyu Wakili Boya, Sarkin Matasa Adamawa, Sardauna Malabu is in a pinnacle of tribune that any emerging brainy will aspire to have reached while slopping to success, Boya eventually became a rallying point and alter worthy of emulation to the millions of youth. A definition of success is the reflection of success. I want to present a dox on a ...