
Showing posts from April, 2017


So what if Bayajidda legend is fabricated! by Prof. Abubakar Liman Prof. Abdalla Uba Adamu in an interview with BBC Hausa service proclaimed that the Bayajidda legend was nothing but bunkum, a sheer fabrication by those who constructed the mythology, perhaps for the purpose of deconstructing age-old narrative, which chronicled and reaffirmed the autochthony of the “being and becoming Hausa”. According to the disclaimer put on the story that is widely considered as mere folklore, this narrative must have come from Arab scholarly sources going by the way and manner it resolutely privileges the ascendancy of Islam and Arab culture in the territories of Bilad al-Sudan. That BBC interview was of course a follow up to the paper Uba Adamu presented on the same subject some couple of days back in Abuja. My grouse with his submission is not over the authenticity or inauthenticity of such a narrative, but with the definitive authority he canvasses his position on an issue that is ...