Ko Just closing the gap of poverty line, between the have and the have not is Notting to be the difficulty in governance. Which way the winners (the elites) take all. Just can't imagine the lives on which many can't guess what happens tomorrow. Many of those that are born with golden spoon in their mouth often take the price, the slums, the ghettos kick out, are more vulnerable and expose to anything be it hooliganism and thuggery. Many of the kids that are raided in the slums culminates 70% societal problem, they are disadvantage children knowing nothing but poverty and miserable lives. Societal pollution often comes through the slums, it's a place where many bandits are being hatches by day and the various government of different countries cannot do anything about it. Although there are some people that are grown up in the ghetto, but turns out to be more patriotic and become well to do and useful in the society. Since 2011, our people are ...