I II Just taken by the fearsome expectation I was wondering how life could just turned upside down to somebody that was seen all successful, someone who has acquired all luxuries of life. Money Stashed in his both foreign and domestic account which he uses incessantly without remorse of fear for being bankrupt. As if the world wasn't even enough. Invited for a journey, a business trip to the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, the city in which the citadel of powers reside, Nigeria’s heartbeat. I was supposed to embarked on my journey as scheduled on certain fixed day, then my cousin offered a lift for me in his car, as he was in my town for some business errand also, I was confused for the offer, not because I don't want to traveled with him, no, just because I wasn't prepared that day to traveled, the fact is that, I do not have a penny to travel with, not to talk living behind some token for ...